View Full Version : 3 babies 2 eggs and a question?

05-17-2007, 05:09 PM
hey guys , well we started on mothers day and I'm up to three babies, its funny this is my second clucth, got a lot more confidence. (knock wood) But have a question. Feed my guys broccoli, kale carrots danderlion. anyone have any other ideas? I almost bought beets tonight, can they eat the leaves too? just curious what other veggies I should give them, in addtion to their reg mix of seed and rowdy bush oh also give them eggshells. Its fly time , my flock is all over the bird room,all 7 anyway, Rica's guarding her nest, she looks like crap on a ham sandwich, lol, hasn't bathed, good momma , but all ruffflled>: >: >: any feedback appreciated, thanks Chris Lolo Rica Marius Cosette Norma Chada Maggio and Ty ps also bake them birdybread

05-19-2007, 06:29 PM
Chris, I think you're doing a good job but I've never had babies and am not sure what other food sources would be good for the parents right now. I would imagine that anything high in calcium is good and you are already offering that. If Jackie doesn't see this and reply, send her a PM. (Butterfly) She's just been though this and will be happy to share any advice that might help.

I can't wait to see photos of your babies! :)

05-19-2007, 06:39 PM
Other good foods for parents that have babies are homemade cornbread, sprouted seed, fresh shredded carrots, cooked/steamed corn, collard greens and figs. If there is any food that my parent birds don't particularly care for, I add it to the cornbread! :lol

05-20-2007, 11:19 PM
Thanks guys, hey #5 due tommrow!

05-20-2007, 11:32 PM
Keep a careful eye on the little one. The smallest babies always seem to find themselves under a pile of the older babies and some have been found dead from suffocation.

05-20-2007, 11:39 PM
i see that, just hard getting in the nest, Rica's not the most coropitve mother

05-21-2007, 10:27 AM
Rica is just being a good mother!
Hopefully, the tiny one will be OK.