View Full Version : hmmmmm is he doing what I think he's doing?

05-29-2007, 09:05 PM
Ok it really looks like he is doing "that" but maybe there is another explanation???? :confused:
He is a baby still :blush:


05-29-2007, 09:28 PM
Yes, that's what he's doing :rofl: He's a baby? How old is he?

05-29-2007, 09:31 PM
He's just trying to climb to the top of his toy...um....yeah....that's it....:whistle:

05-29-2007, 10:19 PM
My baby started doing that early on as well. Your other lovie cracks me up.. he/she was wanting to be on camera too!!

05-30-2007, 11:55 AM
Finny is adorable! :rofl: Yes, dear Reilly is doing what you think. Mine start showing signs of "activity" at about 4-5 months old.

05-30-2007, 01:19 PM
Finny is sooooo much of a camera hog! He sees the camera and knows to put his face in front of it! lol I guess that is why I have hundreds of birdie pics on my puter.:rofl:

Well how often will little Reilly be ummmm "climbing his toy" now that he has figired out how to do it? Will Finny start doing it now too??

05-30-2007, 01:40 PM
It's hard to say exactly when he will be feeling romantic. ;) Usually they go through hormonal stages at least once to twice a year; however in the case of some birds, like my dear George, he is like this year round. Finny may or may not try it as well. Not all lovie males are "humpers". :rofl:

05-30-2007, 03:31 PM
My Piper likes to "hump" his birdy-buddy. He swishy-swishy a few times a day. Good thing I'm at work and don't have to watch :omg: Daisy has his Olivia and Molly will only do swishy-swishy on a papertowel held by me :rolleyes: They are funny, huh?

05-30-2007, 05:04 PM
:rofl: I so thought the swishy swishy was when they shake their tail feathers.... I guess I still have a lot to learn!!!! One thing though.. hubby will be happy to know that when they shake their butts on his head it is not "romancing" him! :rofl:

Buy A Paper Doll
05-30-2007, 07:01 PM
:) I see you have already been given some great advice on this thread but I had to tell you that your video, both of birdy getting his freak on with his toy, and birdy wanting to be in the film, made me smile. :)

05-30-2007, 07:52 PM
:rofl: I so thought the swishy swishy was when they shake their tail feathers.... I guess I still have a lot to learn!!!! One thing though.. hubby will be happy to know that when they shake their butts on his head it is not "romancing" him! :rofl::lol Cindy, I had to laugh with you. Hubby will be glad to hear that when they "shake" their tail feathers, we sometimes call it fanning. Mine do this when they are excited. And yes, swishy-swishy is well.. um.. you know :whistle:

05-30-2007, 08:42 PM
:) ...birdy getting his freak on with his toy ... :)

Ohhh...that made me laugh..out loud...and hard!!

05-30-2007, 08:49 PM
WOW! Thats one fancy hairdo that toy has on! And Finny isn't exactly doing a good job at blocking the view either.:lol . At least he's getting plenty of sexercise.............Michael and Goofy

05-31-2007, 12:42 PM
I think I'v watched this video a dozen times, and it cracks me up every time. Kiwi has done the swishy swish thing since he's 1 year old, and shows absolutely NO signs of stopping. Reilly is doing what comes natural, so a sense of humor about it helps us humans live with it. Plus videotaping it, and sharing it with your fellow lovie owners, who are probably the only people who will understand the humor!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

05-31-2007, 04:46 PM
WOW! Thats one fancy hairdo that toy has on! And Finny isn't exactly doing a good job at blocking the view either.:lol . At least he's getting plenty of sexercise.............Michael and Goofy

Thanks Michael for the explaination I will use in case anyone asks "what is your bird doing" I can now reply "well he is sexercising, duh" :rofl:

06-03-2007, 04:13 AM
One of my little girl's mates used to do that with the perch. On and on, grinding away, bobbing up & down. It was so funny to watch. That lovie was a hen! (In Loving Memory)

06-05-2007, 02:26 PM
that's just TOO cute and funny! :rofl:

Donna and "Baby"

06-05-2007, 09:21 PM
It appears this was not a one time thing.... I walked into their bedroom and saw he was "being friendly" with his fave toy again. I am considering taking the toy out of the cage. I feel embarrassed to walk in on him (although he does not miss a beat when I do).

Should I take it away?


06-06-2007, 11:50 AM
In my opinion, no, don't take it away. The toy is his outlet for relieving his feelings. If you remove it, he could very well start other, more destructive behaviors, such as plucking.
While you might be a little embarrassed, but lovebirds don't embarrass easily and he'll just continue right on, whether you are there or not.

06-06-2007, 01:47 PM
I would definitely leave the toy he admires so much with him. He needs something to gets his jiggy on with if he so desires. If not, then he probably will simply use something else - like a finger, a shoulder, a foot, a head - not that mine does anything like that :whistle: :whistle: Trust me, I would looooooooove if Kiwi would use a toy, kleenex, or something inanimate.

one other thing - Kiwi could be right in the middle of his "moment" and a bomb could go off, and he will continue on. Nothing, and I mean nothing, breaks his stride when he is doing the swishy swish. Birds don't embarass like we do, so although you may feel it's kind of voyeurish to watch or be around, Reilly really couldn't care less. :) :)

06-07-2007, 01:17 AM
Thanks for the advice. I will let him keep his toy. He does not need another bad habit! He is still bitey sometimes so if he needs an outlet I would rather it be that than my finger getting a good bite!

He does not seem embarrassed like you guys mentioned in fact he does carry on when I am looking at him saying "Reilly, What are you doing"?

Finny seems to understand the situation and gives him his space. :rofl:

Thanks for the info as always you guys are the greatest!
