View Full Version : Grooming me!

05-30-2007, 12:37 AM
I'm sitting for two lovies for my gf and they are utter sweethearts - they hardly bite, except for one who uses her 'exploring beak' a little too harshly for my liking, and they are tremendously cute. ;)

I had them both on my shoulder earlier and they've started running strands of my hair through their beaks and clicking, which I'm pretty sure means they're grooming me, hee. Is this normal?

Unfortunately, if I have a bump or freckle, they keep trying to 'groom' those off too, which hurts a bit, but I don't want to deter them too much if they're trying to show how much they adore me. ;)

05-30-2007, 06:30 AM
Yes, they are definietely grooming you. Isn't it amazing when they do that!:)