View Full Version : Dirty Bird

06-01-2007, 09:23 PM
We have had Dini for a few weeks and we have offered her a bath on numerous occasions, left it there all day, etc. (bird bath attached to the side of the cage) She doesn't seem interested. While I know baths are important for health reasons, what can we do to intice or interest her in bathing? I have read about spraying/misting her, but am concerned this would come across as a traumatic experience. Your thoughts? :2cents:

Tom & Eva......& Dini too

06-01-2007, 09:33 PM
Baths are important for feather health but most lovebirds will not use the kind of baths that attach to the side of the cage. Most prefer to use their water dishes, which is why I remove covers from any dishes that may be covered.

Misting can be see as pleasurable if you mist gently from above and let it fall gently like rain outside. Give it a try and see what happens.

06-01-2007, 09:52 PM
The misting Idea is good, but yes, it can scare some lovies away. You may try misting indirectly, away from, but nearby Dini or from above. Some prefer a shallow wide dish that they can touch bottom, not unlike a human childs first attempt at entering the swimming pool. Also the sound of water splashing a little sometimes attracts their attention. Whenever Dini decides to bathe it would probably be best outside the cage anyways, as they can really get to splashing around and getting everything wet nearby, so be prepared. Good luck with your stinky bird...........Oh, and one more thing, they do kind of stink after a bath too, but thats the best part!.....Michael and Goofy

06-02-2007, 05:27 PM
My Peta does not like bath either, so I spray her.
she does not seem to like it but no to the point of traumatic experience.
she is fine as soon as it is over

06-04-2007, 12:05 AM
Yes, gently misting from a distance (not directly spraying at her) is a good way to get her bathing. What also works for my guys is to set a shallow dish of water at the bottom of the cage and squirt at it to create a rain-like splashing effect (the running water sounds are a good idea, too). That always gets their attention and they come down to take a dip.

Keep trying different things and you will find out what they like!:)

06-04-2007, 12:22 AM
Flapjack will only bathe in my hands at the sink. I just let the water trickle thru the purifier and make a shallow pool in my hands. He likes it best lukewarm to room temp. The way I figured it out was when I was rinsing his bowl after washing it and Jack ran down my arm into the sink. I didn't want him near any bacteria that could be in the drain so I scooped him up real quick. To my suprise, he began to purr and roll around in my hands. Totally cracked me up. Prior to that he only took one bath in a shallow dish. Now if I'm at the sink when he's out, he yells at me until I let him play in the water :lol

06-05-2007, 12:14 AM
Haku loves a misting as well as a bath in his water bowl. I mist him very lightly from above the cage, and he will just sit on his perch and relax, close his eyes and tip his head back and enjoy the bath... i'm kind of like a big human spa or something...