View Full Version : Linda, better pictures of Mig's eyes ... boy or girl?

06-02-2007, 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by mjm8321
Actually, it is the shape of the eye itself, not the ring. The last picture of Mig, to me looks like a big round eyeball, but it's difficult to see from that angle. If you can capture a shot a bit closer it might be easier to tell. [quote]
Linda, I've taken some more pictures of Mig, and if you look at the site again, particularly the page 'Mig six' (or was it 'Mig five?'), there's a close'up of her/ him which might help.


06-02-2007, 07:45 PM
Those eyes look about as round as they get so I would have to say that Mig is a male! :)

06-02-2007, 10:26 PM
Mig's a pretty bird! I have a male fischers, and he's got such a gentle character. Cute bird!!

06-20-2007, 05:36 AM
Hmmm ... now, is it worth going through all the internal and family upheaval of officially reassigning Mig's gender within the family? What do people think? What percentage of certainty would you place on your guess, Linda? How many Fischer's Lovebirds have you sexed, for instance? You do breeding, don't you, so have you bred a lot of Fischer's?

At least a name change won't be necessary. Lucky I didn't call her/him (just 'him'?) Angelina or Lulu or something <g> ...

06-20-2007, 07:44 AM
Hi Erica,
I've had eye-ring species of lovebird (Masks, Fischer's, Black Cheeks) for at least 10 yrs and I've bred them just about that long. Based on what I've seen and how my visual analysis, there's actually only one bird where my "guess" was wrong. The bird in question was a large Fischer's so I guessed by body shape/size instead of eye shape. Turned out the bird was a large male and must have been very frustrated when all I offered him for partners were other males!

Is it worth changing the name? Only if you really want to do it. I, personally, like the name Mig and I wouldn't change it. Heck, I have a female Macaw named George because she was named before she was sexed! :lol

06-20-2007, 11:10 AM
What a little sweetie! I love the pic of Mig sleeping. It's a perfect sleeping-lovie profile. :)

06-20-2007, 12:47 PM
Bizarre typos; I often use voice dictation software, which indulges in creative, interpretive sentence construction

I often have creative, interpretive sentence construction and don't use dictation software. :lol ;)

Mig is a wonderful name, I wouldn't change it.

06-20-2007, 07:26 PM
It's very, very hard to determine gender from just a few selected photos and angles. Sometimes I will look at an entire album and see nothing, when, in person, it's apparent almost instantly.

However, I enjoy looking at all the interesting photos of your very expressive flock. They are really characters! :)