View Full Version : Climbing on my head?

06-05-2007, 07:46 PM
Tutti is definitely warming up to all of us at here. I've taken off my necklace, we're all proudly wearing greenish poop smudges on our shoulders, and we are starting to hear different chirps from Tutti depending on his mood.

Today he did two things that were new: 1)he suddenly flew about 10 inches from my husbands shoulder to mine (his wings are clipped but he made it) 2)he proceeded to climb to the top of my head.

Is that OK? Climbing on my head, I mean. I could project a lot of human-like reasons to do that but I don't know what are the lovebird reasons for doing so.

06-05-2007, 08:17 PM
I have one that loves to ride on my head too. I think it all comes down to having the highest vantage point from which to observe everything. Then again it could be a case of dominance, because the one that loves to ride on my head is also the head of the household :D .


06-05-2007, 08:27 PM
It all depends on the bird. I had a lovebird Baggy who was not allowed on my head(or shoulders for awhile) as it made her think she was the boss. Her daughter on other hand was OK on my head and shoulders. I would tend to say move the bird to arm mainly cause poop in the hair is not to fun.lol.


06-05-2007, 08:59 PM
If you don't mind your lovie climbing on your head, fine! :D Personally, it drives me nuts and I don't allow mine to do that and I do remove them immediately when they land on my head. POOP in my hair is not my favorite thing! :lol They love to land on my hubby's head and since he hates to make them stop doing anything, they sit there and preen his hair. I've never noticed that it was a dominance thing, just something that they like to do when they can get away with it.

06-05-2007, 09:44 PM
from what I am learning, this is a sign of dominence and should be avoided at all costs. It will be harder to train your bird and maintain control. The same is true with the shoulders. (I admit I am guilty of this one) My bird loves to ride around on my shoulders, but she needed to learn quickly (for your sake) that she is not the dominant one and that you are letting her up on your shoulder.
Good Luck,

06-05-2007, 09:57 PM
she needed to learn quickly (for your sake) that she is not the dominant one and that you are letting her up on your shoulder

Something tells me this may be the case here-- I guess that's why asked.

How do I "let him know" that I'm "letting" him up on my shoulder? In the last day, he's taken to running up my arm as soon as he's perched on my finger.

06-05-2007, 10:07 PM
to be honest, i wouldn't worry about tutti hanging out on your head or your shoulder. from my experience they like hanging out up there for the view, its more comfortable to be on the same level and its a good cuddle spot.

06-06-2007, 09:20 AM
to be honest, i wouldn't worry about tutti hanging out on your head or your shoulder. from my experience they like hanging out up there for the view, its more comfortable to be on the same level and its a good cuddle spot.

I agree. I know that it's important to keep LARGER parrots from getting "above" you and that is considered dominance but any time my three have done it, it seems to be because they want to preen my hair or get a better view. :)

06-06-2007, 09:46 AM
I agree. I know that it's important to keep LARGER parrots from getting "above" you and that is considered dominance but any time my three have done it, it seems to be because they want to preen my hair or get a better view. :)

Hey Janie, I've tried telling mine they are just a little wee parrot, but for some reason they don't believe me :whistle: :lol .


06-06-2007, 12:04 PM

I agree. When my lovies are on my head I don't really even notice too much. When they are on my shoulder they talk and preen me. Now, when Bosco (Blue & Gold Macaw) is on me :eek: it IS a dominance issue. I turn my head to interact and meet his VERY large beak. He's usually on my shoulder only when I'm taking him to his t-stand. Different issues, different birds.

06-06-2007, 12:09 PM
I'm not big on birds on my head, whatever size, but it's my personal feeling. I like having them where I can see them and it's hard to snuggle or kiss something when it's sitting on top of your head. I'm also not too big on bird poop in the hair....course, I have it everywhere else on me, but I don't care for the hair.
All I will suggest is see how the behavior is when allowed on top of the head. If the lovie will not step up and come off your head without being pulled off, I'd say no sitting on the head privileges until that's learned. the same goes for my little turkeys that won't come off my shoulder without being pried off. ;)

06-06-2007, 02:13 PM
Thanks MJ,
That sounds good to me. I'm still feeling my way around which kinds of things are just the way it is, and which kinds of things I have some say in. Right-- if he won't come off I don't have to let him be there!

So far, all wipings of my hair after he's been atop my head have come clean. For now. :)

06-06-2007, 03:54 PM
So MJ, if they run to the middle of your back when you are trying to get them to step off your shoulder, is that considered NOT minding? :lol Big Boi and Shy both do that.....anything to keep from having to get off of momma! Like you, I don't want poop in my hair and a few years ago Oliver actually started building a nest in my hair (twice!!!) that I had to cut to get it out! Little bugger! :D He did it so quietly that I had no idea what he was up to.

06-06-2007, 04:30 PM
from what I am learning, this is a sign of dominence and should be avoided at all costs. It will be harder to train your bird and maintain control. The same is true with the shoulders. (I admit I am guilty of this one) My bird loves to ride around on my shoulders, but she needed to learn quickly (for your sake) that she is not the dominant one and that you are letting her up on your shoulder.
Good Luck,

A lot of what's out regarding heads and shoulders on birds is more relevant to the larger parrots. I haven't really had that problem with the lovies. In fact, when they are on your shoulder they are still not above eye level. Lovebirds like the head for different reasons. For some, it's a safe place to get used to us humans, for some it's a place to preen and play, and in my house it's also been used as a humping toy:x .

I do have one meyer's parrot that is absolutely NEVER allowed on my head or shoulder. He not only gets domineering, but overly excited and has been known to bite holes in our flesh:mad: .

06-06-2007, 05:05 PM
As far as poop in the hair, i freak out at the thought of poop in mine.
Iv'e found an old baseball cap works wonders for allaying that fear for those much loved, free rides on my head. Oddly enough she has yet to poop on my hair or the cap 8) .
