View Full Version : Baby's progress and new pics too!

06-09-2007, 09:02 PM
Baby has made alot of progress this last week! Yesterday, I got Baby to step up on my towel-covered hand. And today, I got Baby to step up on a stick, and I was able to put it back in the cage that way....YAY!!!!

The mirror is GONE from the cage and Baby IMMEDIATELY stopped GACKING. :x But that's a good thing :D Also is now more interested in the people flock now that the "other birdie" is gone....

The lab tech at the vets office called this afternoon and all Baby's routine in- house bloodwork came back normal. Now just waiting on the beak and feather disease test and the gender ID test.

There's a few new pics in the album


Donna and Baby

06-09-2007, 10:43 PM
Is that a smile we see behind that spray of millet? And Baby's got such warm pastel colours! Thanks for sharing.....Michael N' Goofy's sleeping

06-10-2007, 07:53 AM
Baby is a very good looking lovie!! I can see why the fascination with that birdie in the mirror! :lol

Sounds like your well on your way to building that trust relatonship! Trust me. It's well worth all the effort in the end! :)

06-10-2007, 08:32 AM
oooooohhhhhh!!!!!! Baby's so sweet. I love "her?" colors. You are doing so well, in such a short time. Enjoy!!! :)