View Full Version : Designing a lovebird Tattoo.

06-11-2007, 11:19 PM
I have 2 tattoos. I get them to signify important events, the first one was when I turned 18, the second one was when I graduated college. (lucky not too many important events happen in my life, or I would be covered!)

Well, now, after some semi-fixed health problems, I think it is time for another one. Actually it will be covering the first one. I have had a hard time trying to think of what I want (I have been thinking about this for a while now), but have set my mind on getting a nice lovebird tattoo...I just can't seem to find a picture to use.

I don't want to use a photograph, because it will end up being somewhat unlike the photo and that will bug me.

I have been browsing Robin's beautiful painted lovie pictures, and after trying to search the internet for other pictures, I have been quite disappointed. Pictures listed as lovebirds are OBVIOUSLY someone's interpretation, since few resemble lovies!

Does anyone know of lovebird art sites I can get ideas from?
I may just have to get Robin to design a lovie for my ankle!:whistle:

06-12-2007, 12:40 AM
Hi! My brother-in-law here in Portland is in the process of getting a whole lovebird sleeve. It's beautiful. I'll post pics of it when it's done, and I'll be sure to ask where the original art came from- I kind of think it was the tattoo artist himself though.

06-12-2007, 08:08 AM
One of our members (marajade) got a lovebird tatoo. I believe her's was a small wraparound. If you do a member search she posted pics of it at one point.

06-12-2007, 08:35 AM
I don't want to use a photograph, because it will end up being somewhat unlike the photo and that will bug me.

If you use a GOOD tattoo artist, your photo will look like your lovie......MINE DOES! :D I took 4 photos of Oliver to the artist and the one we chose is the spitting image of him! Down to the unusual yellow in his bib. I looked around for the right artist for a couple of years and after seeing many tat's that I liked and finding out that "Cap" did them, I chose him. Next? My dogs face on the other side! :D

06-12-2007, 09:11 AM
I may just have to get Robin to design a lovie for my ankle!
If you were to ask Robin, you would most likely get exactly what you want. Janie's suggestion is also an excellent one!

06-12-2007, 09:51 AM
JANIE's GOT A TATTOO? I think my illusions may be shattering. :D

06-12-2007, 10:32 AM
JANIE's GOT A TATTOO? I think my illusions may be shattering. :D

Barb, NO NAMES, but another member e-mailed me out of the blue to say she was getting ready to get one, her first. :D All I could think was, "That is NOT fair, I've wanted one for 34 years and now she's getting one and I'm not???" My oldest son told me to get a grip, get a tattoo, and get over it! :D He went with me but my younger son will not even look at it! :rolleyes: I think what he really said was, "Mom, if you're worried that you'll regret it when you're 60, don't worry about that anymore.....you are already almost 60!" Hubby freaked at the mention of it and said he didn't want to hear about it so, respecting his wishes, I made the appointment and didn't mention it again till AFTER the fact. :rofl: April 10th! BTW, he loves it! It is below the waist and above the bikini line and since I don't own a bikini, no ones sees it unless I choose to show it.....which is at least once every day! :lol Showed it to a former neighbor in the grocery store yesterday. :D I'll email the photos to you. Thought I already had. I can easily see how addictive they are and it's probably a good thing I did wait so long cause otherwise, I might have full "sleeves" by now! ;) BTW, I would kill either of my kids (24 and 21) if they got one! My rule is you have to be over 50 to make that decision! :rofl:

Seeing KiwiMango's thread with her conure looking at the toy catalog reminded me.....Oliver loves to look at himself, the tattoo! I am sure he recognizes it as "him"....

06-12-2007, 07:32 PM

8) 8)

06-12-2007, 08:09 PM
Ooooo, it's really pretty! Looks just like Oliver. :)

06-12-2007, 08:48 PM

8) 8)

Laura, if I had had your email addy, you'd have gotten one! :D I sent out about 30! :lol. I'll have to have someone take a few new ones and if I can get some that don't reveal too much, I'll post here! ;)

Yep, Jackie has seen it "for real" at the bird fair. :rofl:

06-13-2007, 12:19 PM
I was sent a picture of Janie's tattoo and it's lovely! Looks like Oliver, to a "T". I'd love to get one, the problem is, with my addictive personality, I don't think I have enough skin to accomodate all the lovies on my person.

06-13-2007, 01:16 PM
Oh, I wanna see... I'm PMing you w/ me e-mail addy, Janie ;)

I have 5 tattoos and have given some thought about getting a lovie tattoo of Beetle on my back. I'm waiting until I find an artist with a reputation of doing high-quality wildlife tattoos before embarking upon that journey, though!


06-13-2007, 05:12 PM
Hi! My brother-in-law here in Portland is in the process of getting a whole lovebird sleeve. It's beautiful. I'll post pics of it when it's done, and I'll be sure to ask where the original art came from- I kind of think it was the tattoo artist himself though.
OOOh...I can't wait to see those pics!!

One of our members (marajade) got a lovebird tatoo. I believe her's was a small wraparound. If you do a member search she posted pics of it at one point.
I am going to go look that up! (I found the picture of the wrap around tattoo, 4 different lovies, it's quite cute. Now I am thinking of maybe a wrap around ankle...humm....)

If you use a GOOD tattoo artist, your photo will look like your lovie......MINE DOES! :D
I wish I knew where my tattoo artist that I love went!! He was WONDERFUL!! I am definitly going to look aroud. And..um....I WANNA SEE OLIVER's portrait....I am going to send you my email address, I need to see how good it is, then I can take it with me and tell them: "if you can't tattoo as good as this, you ain't tattooing me!!"

If you were to ask Robin, you would most likely get exactly what you want. Janie's suggestion is also an excellent one!
I am going to look around for artists. I got my last tattoo 6 years ago, so many have moved to other cities!! If I can't find someone I trust....I will definitly be asking Robin!

My computer was down yesterday, so I checked this out at work to see if I got any replies, and WOW. Thanks guys for all the suggestions, I didn't know how the topic of tattoos would be received. Now I know at least one person has a lovie tattoo!! (WHICH I WANNA SEE!)

06-13-2007, 11:39 PM
Well I cant offer any advice on this other than it is all about the artist. Find a reputable artist and ask to see some of their work you may find they have done other lovies. I may have to get me a couple of lovies now on my back too. I would have to get two cause I would not want to play favorites :-)


06-14-2007, 12:12 AM
Well I cant offer any advice on this other than it is all about the artist. Find a reputable artist and ask to see some of their work you may find they have done other lovies. I may have to get me a couple of lovies now on my back too. I would have to get two cause I would not want to play favorites :-)


Eeek...I guess I will have to morph all my lovies together...or I can get all 10 + the one baby I am going to keep....then the parrotlets will get jealous...not to mention the dogs!! I was actually thinking about which bird, how to take traits from all....and make one or two...or three tattoo birdies....goodness, I will have to play favorites I think.

06-14-2007, 12:13 AM
I think ALL the Flock Leaders (and Leader of the Flock) should get lovie tattoos!

Come on girls and boys....whatta ya think?