View Full Version : Wild Bird Nursery

06-13-2007, 04:21 PM
My yard, once again, has become a wild bird nursery. :lol

Last year we had a pair of Scrub Jays http://www.miriameaglemon.com/San%20Diego%20Bird%20Pages/Species/Species%20Photos/P1110365%20Western%20Scrub%20Jay.jpg bring their four chicks to our plum tree and leave them there all day while they went out and looked for food. It was a bit noisy, but lots of fun to watch. We also had a pair of House Sparrows that raised their family in the hedge near the house and would come out to share food with us every night.

Not sure if it is the same pair of Scrub Jays or not, but this year we have two chicks that are left in our care during the day and are getting fed veggies, fruit, seed and any stale bread and crackers. The younger of the two has no fear whatsoever of me and squawks just like the baby lovebirds do when they want to be fed....wings flapping and all! :lol He/she sits on the edge of the gutter waiting for me each morning to come out with the goodies.

No Sparrows yet, but they seem to breed later in the summer if I remember correctly. The noisiest characters this year so far are the pair of crows and their HUGE, needy baby. It sits on the power line and makes so much noise to be fed.

We've also forgotten to take the hummingbird feeders in and are getting barraged by them as they are probably nesting and wanting more food. hopefully I'll get to see some hummingbird youngsters too.

Anyone else having lots of baby birds (wild ones that is) at their house?

06-13-2007, 06:10 PM
MJ, I think Scrub Jays are beautiful. We only have Blue Jays here but my lovies are crazy about them. They are the only backyard visitors that get Oliver, Big Boi and Shy's attention when the drop by. Must be that squawk. The day that Oliver got away from me over two years ago, I was so thankful that a flock of Jays didn't fly over.....I think he would have gone with them! :omg:

I have two large feeder stations, three hummingbird feeders and one meal worm feeder (for my box nesting Eastern Bluebirds, third nest in progress :D) and my yard is also a wild bird nursery right now. I see new babies who've fledged but are still learning to hunt just begging their parents for food all the time. The Jay babies are as big as their parents but that begging gives them away every time! :D I see an average of 15 to 20 species every day. My love for wild birds is what got me into this lovebird thing to begin with! :lol

06-13-2007, 07:43 PM
I have quite a few Cardinals - male, female & youngsters. I also have doves, a couple of red-wing blackbirds, plain ol' blackbirds, and some I can't see too well to identify. Every once in a while I can see the Eastern Bluebirds flying around. Cardinals & Bluebirds are my favorite. I need binoculars :rolleyes: Love watching them!

06-13-2007, 07:50 PM
We have 2 family of cardinals and several hummingbirds. Plus some tiny brown birds that I have no clue what they are. The small brown ones are nesting in a bush outside my bedroom window. I swear they sound like lovebirds.lol.


06-13-2007, 08:33 PM
I hardly get to see wild birds where I live :(

I do see plenty of pigeons, sea gulls and the occasion red-tailed hawk. On occasion I see small birds that are likely some sort of sparrow or wren.

Visiting my parents is a different story, though. They live in the Pine Barrens so I am often treated to a variety of wild birds. My favorites are the herons, which we can often see while relaxing in the living room :)

Sigh... I really should go back and volunteer for Cedar Run. I loved raising up babies (feathered or furred) for release!
