View Full Version : Finding an avian vet internationally

06-29-2005, 08:00 PM
Faced with the still very tentative possibility of moving from the US to France sometime this year, I'm starting to gather information that will help in moving with Friday. Are there any international sites like the AAV has? Or is it pretty much just word of mouth right now?


06-30-2005, 11:06 AM
Do you know where in France you might be moving? If you need help with your french let me know, i would more then happy to help you with that. French is my first language. I'd be happy to look up some sites for you if needed


06-30-2005, 12:42 PM
We'd be living out in the country about 2 hours west of Paris, near a small village, that I unfortunately don't know the name of, but I do know that the closest town of any size is Lisieux, about 15 minutes away.

I could always use help with French :lol I spoke it as a small child, but have forgotten most all of it.
