View Full Version : Sam's Growing Vocabulary

06-18-2007, 09:08 AM
I heard a funny sound from the area of our Lost Boys' cages (Sam, Didjit, Bongo, Barney, and Bosco). It sounded like a rusty swing chain on a playground, a squeaky wheel, or (as Tim called it) "a steam-powered clockwork mechanism -- something from the industrial age." It had kind of a low pitch, which was odd for our birds.

It was Sam. And he was practicing, making the sound over and over and over. As near as we can tell, he is trying to imitate the noise Gracie makes when she talks to the microwave. :lol

The two of them are really friendly together, with a cage between them at least. They love to visit each other's cages. I won't let her and Sammy out together, because I think that would definitely put George on the outs, but if Gracie were ever single again, I know who her next cage companion would be.

They do look a lot alike, except that Gracie is so much bigger than Sam. Therefore she thinks he is very handsome. :rolleyes:

Buy A Paper Doll
06-18-2007, 11:21 AM
So Sammy speaks "microwave" now. That's very cool. Or, annoying. Or something ...

Milo has learned to make the little "pip pip pip" noise that the cardinals make in the back yard. It is cute and pleasant.

Melody, on the other hand, does a mean car alarm impression. Needless to say, that's not cute or pleasant.

06-18-2007, 03:17 PM
I love cardinal chipping. :) Mainly because I can recognize it. I recognize the cardinals and robins (we call them doink-doinks because of the way they hop around), and blackbirds. I wish someone would imitate a pretty robin ... sigh.

Sammy practicing his microwave-Gracie talk is really sweet, because he sounds so very serious, doing that one sound over and over to try to get it right!

06-18-2007, 05:14 PM
I wish someone would imitate a pretty robin ... sigh.

You really don't want to hear a lovie try that. Ditto attempted it once. When they say that lovebirds can't sing, they're not kidding!:x

He does speak perfect sparrow though.

06-21-2007, 01:20 PM
HEH... well you should define WHAT type of robin... baby or adult.

Kirby has taken to both, so he will chirp unecessarily like the young Robins to get attention. And he will actually carry on a conversation with the adults outside the window.

The best ones are when my boyfriend has him on the towel rack in the bathroom when Chris (bf) is in the shower. Kirby will try to mimic Chris' "how you doin whistle" and when he can't do it he'll growl in frustration (the Rrrrrrrttttt growl) and mumble little chirps and noises before attempting again lol