View Full Version : Camicide

06-20-2007, 12:16 AM
I did find a great thread with the search tool about Camicide and where I can get it, but I was wondering if anyone knew what exactly it will kill.
Specifically, I'm hoping it will knock out fire ants.

Or any other suggestions for how to get rid of them without killing all my fabulous outside birdies would be great!

06-20-2007, 12:51 AM
To kill fire ants, you have to kill the colony, which means you need to use something that they either take into the mound or something that will seep into the dirt where the colony is established. Camicide will take care of what's on top of the ground but it does nothing to prevent the colony from picking up and moving! Check with your local feed store and see what they suggest. Believe it or not, I've had wonderful results with a large pot of boiling water poured over the mound......

06-20-2007, 12:20 PM
Rachel, my family used to use the old fashioned way of getting rid of them. Kerosene. :rofl: Not very environmentally friendly, but it did the job then.

I was rwding about getting rid of all sorts of ant recently and found out that for fire ants, boric acid can be used to kill them or something called Neem Oil Soap. They also suggest what Linda said, flooding with hot water.