View Full Version : New Addtions to my Pet Family

07-01-2007, 01:52 PM
I have been after these for years. I used to keep them back in the 80`s.
They are Land Hermit crabs, and great fun. Seeing as i had to get rid of most of my very big tanks, i miss my fish ect. But these are great.
Baldilocks is doing well, Legs slowly getting used to her, He now tolerates her eating next to one another.
Am not to bad, this weather is not Helping, we been badly hit by bad rain yesterday and Today. Today was the worse, more expected in the week. So far so good, i have not been flooded. Wont know much till its starts to run off of the hills and into the river near me.
Anyway i have uploaded some photos of the crabs and of course Dear BaldiLocks is on there to.
Take care all. speak soon.
love cassy.

here is the link. hope you enjoy.


07-01-2007, 02:00 PM

I can't believe the difference in baldilocks too!!! My god... I remember laughing because *no offense* she was cutely ugly

How much did the hermits cost you?

07-01-2007, 03:02 PM
I love hermit crabs! We always have them at the petstore I work at. I love watching them. Nice pics!

It's been raining nearly nonstop for weeks here. I really wish it'd let up a little.

07-01-2007, 04:02 PM
Neat, Cassy!!!!
I've never seen land hermit crabs before, just the kind that live in water.

Baldilocks looks really good, too! You should start to see her adult coloring very soon!

07-01-2007, 05:05 PM
Cassy, Those are great, I was just looking into getting a couple of those little guys myself, but my mom threatened to throw me out of the house, so....

07-01-2007, 09:41 PM
Cassy - all I can say is WOW!!!!! Miss Baldilocks is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!! :happy: I would not have recognized her if you hadn't labelled the pic.

We have water hermit crabs in our saltwater tank, and I love watching them clean the tank, and change shells. I never heard of land hermit - what a hoot watching them walk around on your floor! :)

07-02-2007, 04:12 AM
I saw some of those crabs in a shop near us the other day. They are fascinating.

Baldilocks is looking great!

Buy A Paper Doll
07-02-2007, 10:42 AM

I had 2 of those guys when I was growing up. :)

07-02-2007, 02:39 PM
The crabs are cute but WOW I cant believe that is baldilocks!!! So great to see her looking so good! What a difference! But we all kow that every living thing thrives with love and it is obvious that little one has had a lot of love!


07-03-2007, 11:00 AM
Ok folks, i have updated more photos of baldilocks, they were taken today, she be 3 months old on the 24th of this month.
I have also Noticed she is quite a large bird, she is bigger than mum and dad, even legs is not as big. she is about same size as the girls, and they are quite big to.
Yet again we have bad Thunderstorms. desperate to get the birds out, in sun for some Vit d. ho hum. Hope you enjoy the photos they are on the same album as Hermit crabs.
