View Full Version : I was shocked...

07-01-2007, 08:51 PM
Today my husband and I went to a local Retail Center, Gibraltar Trade Center. At this place (it's a huge hall) you can buy almost anything, from clothes to furniture and and and... at the one end, they also have a "Petstore" - booth. I saw this store a couple of times before, talked to the parrots that stay infront of the 'store' but never went inside. Today I heard screaming from the inside and knew, they had to be more parrots behind the wall. So I went in there and now I wish I didn't go in there :cry: It smelled soooo bad, just every single bird looked sick, they had such small cages (for example 2 Amazons in a 20-18-18 or smaller), no toys, dirty water... The most disgusting thing was a cage with 2 Amazons, it was placed in a shelf (middle),pushed into a corner, and infront of the cage (the only spot there a little light could have come through) they had a ladder standing. The birds looked so terrible, fluffed up and one was sitting on the empty cupholderring and leaning his head against the bars. Flies were all over the bottom and it looked like it wasn't cleaned since days. I felt so bad and soon my sorrow got swept away by pure anger. I couldn't believe what I saw, couldn't understand how you can own such a terrible place and try to make money out of it. So I decided to leave and on my way out I just couldn't walk by the young lady and young man at the register counter (who were talking happily to each other and enjoying the day). I walked over to them (they smiled at me) and plainly asked, "Are you serious about the cage in the corner and all the rest?" The lady immediately knew what I meant and changed her facial expression, the guy asked what I mean and tried to explain to me, that he had to board a bird for a customer and that is why he had to push the one cage into the corner..... Please explain to me, what kind of reason is that??? I'm sure blond, but I'm not stupid. My next question was, if they just work here or if they own this place... and proudly they answered, "We own it". I was so shocked, every single emotion went through me and I just had no words left to say. I went out to my husband, who was waiting outside and told him what I just saw. He didn't like the place even from the outside and wasn't much surprised about my findings.

I asked him what we can do about it and he encouraged me to report it to the Michigan Humane Society - Detroit. Tomorrow we want to go there and I hope they can help me. They have to shut the place down, even the cats, dogs, rabbits and much more don't seem to be in best shape. The Mackaws infront of the store look thin and their feathers are just in terrible shape.

I was researching on the web about the "Petbooth" but couldn't find much, most of it is in generall about the Gibraltar Center. But anyhow, I found one thread that just supports my impression. Here you can read it if you want to http://www.insiderpages.com/b/15218685094

If you all have any advise for me, how to approach this matter, please let me know. I just don't want my visit at he animal control to be unsuccessfull. Thank you all for reading and let's just hope, we can somehow make the world a better place :cry:

A very sad Anja&Peter wishes everybody a good night and (((((((lots of hugs)))))))

07-02-2007, 01:59 PM
I've had a similar experience, a few months ago i went to a local pet store and from what i saw, i still wish that I'd never set foot in there. There were 2 young 'zons in one of those small, dome type cages, and they were filthy. I saw no food nor water, no perches, nothing. One baby even had a huge hole in his beak, and was shrieking furiously at every human who walked by. the thing is... no one is going to buy these birds in trinidad. They are going to go catch some poor young zon and not know what to do with it. They are not going to rehome some hurt, abused, angry zon when there are thousands of baby zons out there. There was also a fluffed, tired looking black masked lovie with a very overgrown beak. I said what I could, but there are NO laws protecting Amazons in Trinidad. It's the curse of abundance... the more of them there are, the less each one matters. Right now I'm in the process of trying to get funding for a children's book I'm writing about Amazons, it's the only way I can think of to raise awareness about parrots in Trinidad. It boils down to doing every single thing that you can!! The pet store sounds just disgusting, I read the reviews and someone is saying that they sold a male dog as a female. People this ignorant should not even own animals, much less for a pet store. :mad:

07-02-2007, 02:34 PM
Hi Anja;

The bird vendors at Gibralter Trade Center have been shut down before, but they seem to keep coming back under different names. >: Do call Michigan Humane Society about it; but what we really need are animal protection laws in Michigan that have more teeth in them.

In the meantime, if you ever have to go back there, make sure you change your clothing and wash your self thoroughly before you handle your own birds. There is no telling what those poor birds at Gibralter may be infected with. Some infectious bacteria can be carried home on your clothing.

For those folks outside of our area, Gibralter Trade Center is a large, boxy, warehouse-type structure that sells a variety of cheap (and not-so-cheap) consumer products. About once a month it holds a gun and knife show. Sometimes it holds a computer show. That kind of thing. (FWIW)

07-02-2007, 03:09 PM
Update: Today my husband and I went to the Macomb County Animal Shelter/Control. They said they couldn't help me, because the store is in another district and one employee who overheard, what we were talking about, said we are the second couple today who wants to make a report about that exact same store. They pointed us to the Macomb County Sheriffs Department in hopes they could help us ... and indeed, they could :) The officer who took my report was very very nice and promised me to invastigate this case by himself. I told him how bad I felt seeing such digusting circumstences under which those pets had to live, that I even talked to the owners but they were as much interested in my complaints as there are interested in the care of their pets... nada!!! Since the Girbraltar Center is only open for the Weekend Fri-Sun I'm not sure, if they leave the pets in their and just come by to feed and clean the pets. The officer asured me, that he will contact the owner of the Trade Center and try to get access to the Both. We assume that the pets stay in the center. I gave him as much information as possible, told him what the shelter employee said to us and that I found similars complaints about that store on the internet.

Please lets keep all our fingers crossed that a change for the better is in the near future for all those precious pets.

As soon as I get a copie of the report (the officer suggested to ask for the report in about one week since it isn't the normal 7 days a week store and his investigation may take longer) I will update futhermore....promise :)

Right now I'm in the process of trying to get funding for a children's book I'm writing about Amazons, it's the only way I can think of to raise awareness about parrots in Trinidad. It boils down to doing every single thing that you can!! The pet store sounds just disgusting, I read the reviews and someone is saying that they sold a male dog as a female. People this ignorant should not even own animals, much less for a pet store. :mad:

Wow... I love the idea with the children's book. Whatever we can do is a little help somhow :) The worst thing is to look away and try to convince yourself, that you alone can't move the stone. If everybody does a little, you will see, it moves :) Dani, do you make the book with colored drawings?

07-02-2007, 03:21 PM
Hi Anja;

The bird vendors at Gibralter Trade Center have been shut down before, but they seem to keep coming back under different names. >: Do call Michigan Humane Society about it; but what we really need are animal protection laws in Michigan that have more teeth in them.

In the meantime, if you ever have to go back there, make sure you change your clothing and wash your self thoroughly before you handle your own birds. There is no telling what those poor birds at Gibralter may be infected with. Some infectious bacteria can be carried home on your clothing.

For those folks outside of our area, Gibralter Trade Center is a large, boxy, warehouse-type structure that sells a variety of cheap (and not-so-cheap) consumer products. About once a month it holds a gun and knife show. Sometimes it holds a computer show. That kind of thing. (FWIW)

Hi Barb,

I was hoping to read from you, because I was pretty sure, that you know this place and heard about it. I totally agree with you, what we really need are animal protection laws in Michigan that have more teeth in them.

And as soon as we came home, we droped our close in the laundry room for a goooood washcycle and walked right under the shower. I felt somehow so dirty after being in that store. Poor little pets, I know it isn't their fault, that I had that dirty-feeling and they must feel that way the whole day :cry:

I will stay on that case and do whatever I can to help!!!

07-02-2007, 07:24 PM
This reminds me of a pet store that used to operate at a farmers market nearby. For all I know it is still there but since I outright refuse to shop at that particular market (for over 20 years now), I don't know.

All I remember was going into the pet store to check out the critters while shopping with a friend and her family. The store wasn't particularly dirty (merely overcrowded, as all the vendor shops were) but they had puppies on display in a front window that were clearly too young to be seperated from their mother. They were in obvious distress from being in a glass-fronted enclosure. Kids and idiotic adults would bang on the encloser to rouse the puppies and it was heartbreaking. I went up to the counter and begged the shopkeeper to please put the pups in the back to get a proper rest but he threatened to have me arrested for my smart mouth (I was maybe 12 or 13 at the time).


I do hope that some good comes of this, Anja. I don't care who sells pet care supplies (food, cages, toys, etc.) but when it comes to live animals, there should be specific laws in place to protect the innocent.

Keep us posted,


07-03-2007, 01:13 AM
Anjamau79, thank you so much for looking out for our little pet friends. Its a lot of time and effort and I for one appreciate deeply what you and your husband have done !!!!!


07-03-2007, 10:33 AM
Yeah we also made a complaint about one of the shops that used to be there, i think it was "The pet stop"? It was really sad to see all the animals like that. The bettas were really bad, out of 30-40 of them maybe 10 were still alive...... In the mice tank there was a dead mouse, that was being ate by the other mice in a back corner or the tank. The mice had an empty food dish as well, what a suprise. Now i used to feed mice to my snakes(no longer have snakes), but honestly now that's horrible.

But they were shut down thank god. About a month later, a new stand was at the coner before where the popcorn always is. And although it was different people running it and it was actually a lot cleaner, the pet's do get locked in there all week. With zero attention.

I think all you have to do to get a license to sell animals there is to show up. That's another big problem Michigan has to deal with, next to the fines and stiffer laws.

07-03-2007, 09:52 PM
Yeah we also made a complaint about one of the shops that used to be there, i think it was "The pet stop"? It was really sad to see all the animals like that. ...

the pet's do get locked in there all week. With zero attention.

Actually, thats exactly what I thought... They are to lazy to provide the pets with clean water and fresh food and don't find a minute to clean the cages, so there is no way they bring the whole store back in every single friday and back out again on Sunday. For now the store is called "Pollywood Pets & Supplies" (I guess until the next shutdown :() Poor dogs, birds, cats, critters of all kind and much more... such a shame. My tears are running down my face as I think of those lonely souls who are stuffed in those dirty "jails".

I already thought about the next step that my husband and I will take, if the Police can't or won't do anything. But let's hope the first step is successful :)

07-13-2007, 02:06 PM

:( :confused: :( Today I picked up a copy of the report at the Sheriffs Department... They didn't do anything :( Those are the exact words of the report that lays in front of me and makes me mad, disappointed and wondering what else I can do.

INFORMATION: Upon arrival I spoke with Anja Fischer. Anja stated that she was at the Pollywood Pet Store at 237 N. River RD (Gibraltar Trade Center) on 7-1-07.
She stated that she felt that the bird cages were filthy and that the birds were looking sick. Anja stated that she was concerned for the pets.

INVESTIGATION: I went to Pollywood Pets at the Gibraltar Trade Center. I spoke with employee Sarah Jock. Sarah stated that she cleans the birds cages everyday and feeds them. I observed the birds in their cages. The bird cages did not appear to be overcrowded. The cages appeared to be clean and the birds and other animals all had food and water in their dishes. Sarah also stated that they do get visits from the Humane Society regularly and that the animal are well cared for.

DISPOSITION: Anja was given this complaint number and told to call MCSO if there were any further problems.

:( That's it.... wow that's what I call success. The officer told me the day I made the report, he will go to the store right away and I then informed him, that the center is closed over the week. He then said, he will call the Center Manager and ask for the store owners to get access. From the report I know he was the same day at the store and how you can read, an employee was there.... I bet they knew what was coming and coverd up as much as possible. Otherwise I must have worn dirty glasses who let everything appear dirty and in addition make every single living creature in the store appear sick and lost. "Cages don't appear to be overcrowded...." - I never said they are overcrowded, I said they are to small for parrots with 2 in them (and even with just one) and placed tight side by side in a dark shelf :(

By the way, is it normal for the Humane Society to check out Petstores on a regular basis? "... the animals are well cared for" thats what she said......hahahahahahahaha. Why don't I invite her in a filthy tight room which is dark, smelly and with absolutely no attention from anybody. I bet she rates that (hotel) 5 stars below 0.

Now I have to think of another step to take..... any suggestions? For now I'm VERY disappointed :( :( :( and sad :cry:

07-13-2007, 02:45 PM

In our state everything in this matter is handled through the State Agricultural Department. Do you have anything like this? I would contact them and see if they could recommend the correct group who handles these issues. :2cents:

Check this out: http://www.michigan.gov/mda/0,1607,7-125-1566_2310_2324-14053--,00.html

or this one http://www.michiganhumane.org/site/PageServer?pagename=cruelty

07-13-2007, 03:00 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that your first attempt at helping make life better for the animals in this pet shop has not fared well. In Florida, the Humane Society does not check up on pet shops but FL Fish and Wildlife has the right to inspect the premises of shops, breeders and pet owners alike without prior notification. Bird owners are required to have licenses in order to keep breeders and/or pets and the agreement between State and owner is in that license.

BarbieH is from MI so she may have some insight in to what your next move might be. Personally, it sounds like a tip off to me........:(

07-13-2007, 07:45 PM
I have wanted the channel Animal Planet and finally got it.:x

I have been obsessed watching the Animal Police shows. I watched one the other night, Miami Animal Police. I guess it was an Animal Control Officer who had to go to a store because there was a dead puppy in a cage right in front of the window. It was TERRIBLE. This owner had been warned NUMEROUS TIMES.

I am so upset that stores can get away with such neglect so many times. Falsifying health documents, sick puppies...then a dead puppy in the window. And he was allowed to stay open...OH MY GOODNESS!!!
It's not one strike, two or three your out, it's like, 20 strikes.....

I really think laws are made to protect the criminals more than the victims...even worse if the victims aren't human.

seriously...a dead puppy in the window...it should be a no brainer...you're closed...end of story! (This happened in ~2004)

I am so sorry Anja, that your concerns were dismissed. I think the people who run these types of pet stores are used to 'covering up' their neglect!

07-13-2007, 08:05 PM

In our state everything in this matter is handled through the State Agricultural Department. Do you have anything like this? I would contact them and see if they could recommend the correct group who handles these issues. :2cents:

Check this out: http://www.michigan.gov/mda/0,1607,7-125-1566_2310_2324-14053--,00.html

or this one http://www.michiganhumane.org/site/PageServer?pagename=cruelty

Thanks for your help, since I'm from another country, I don't really know who is responsible for what matter :)... I will try to contact the State Agricultural Department. But before that, my husband suggested that we go one more time to the store and try to take some pictures with the cellphone (I guess I will stay far away from the store, because I'm pretty sure they can remember the lady with the long blond hair who complained about their store ;))


Barbi allready read this threat and told me, she knows about the petstore in the Gibraltar Trade Center. She said they shut it down a couple of times before but somehow it seems they keep opening it up under a different name :( If I need more help directly from a resident who knows about that place, I definately will ask Barbi if she would give me a hand.

Thanks everybody for your input... it's a big help and motivates me a even more to keep doing what I do/try to do.

07-14-2007, 01:30 PM
It surprises me what the **** some people are thinking..

I think you should stick it out with that store.. don't suppor them.. but maybe go in one day with a friend... scope out how many people are working there that day, and have your friend distract them by asking stupid pet questions about a pet they want to purchase...
If the store is disgraceful like that one day you found it... take photos.. using your friend's distraction to take photos with your digital/camera phone without a flash.... if they don't have a sign saying no photographs.. I'm pretty sure you can get away with it.

AND to make it easier... ask for the manager ... if he/she is not in.. then you know you have no authority around allowing yout o get away with photos ;)

07-14-2007, 04:16 PM
I'll bet the Gibraltor owner tipped off the pet vendor (someone who just rents space from the Gribraltor center owner). They must have cleaned it up and made it pretty before the cop got there; they had plenty of warning.

When that vendor was closed before, it was Michigan Humane Society that got it accomplished. What you need is hard proof of conditions -- photographs -- and that might not be so easy to get until this inspection is forgotten to some degree.

The Michigan State Agriculture Department in Lansing might be of some use if some of the birds are truly sick. Bird illness is not something anyone should take lightly these days, especially in a large public venue like Gibraltor.

Finally, you might try to contact one of the local news station's troubleshooting departments. Maybe "Ruth to the Rescue" (on WDIV) would be a useful ally. It could work if she brings attention to the sick birds being put out for sale in public. Public health risk? Very possibly.

Please stay in touch. :)

07-14-2007, 04:59 PM
Take pictures. You have the right to they can't kick you out. The fact that the HS is there a lot should tip off the police that something is wrong! I watch Animal Cops a lot and they are in your area, can you contact them or are they just another 'reality' show? They run out of the Detroit MI ASPCA, which I'm assuming is in your area.

07-14-2007, 05:08 PM
The Detroit Humane Society HQ is not far from me. I wonder if they would have any advice. They are closed for the weekend now, at least for their phones. I'll try contacting them Monday. I need to pick up some Frontline for the cat anyway.

07-14-2007, 09:02 PM
The Detroit Humane Society HQ is not far from me. I wonder if they would have any advice. They are closed for the weekend now, at least for their phones. I'll try contacting them Monday. I need to pick up some Frontline for the cat anyway.

Wow, thanks everybody for your help and supporting words... I will stick to it until my husband and I have success. It can just not be, that a store gets shut down and opens up a couple of month later under a new name. Maybe we should try to bring it to the News Station.... we thought about it..somehow "just" reporting it to the Police/Humane Sociaty doesn't do it. Sadly sometimes it takes 20more terrible incidents until they REALLY care.


I'm pretty sure the Owner/Manager of the Trade Center gave the Petstore a hint because it is in his own interest to keep that vendor there. I can imagine it's a goldmine for him :( and he doesn't care how he makes money.

If you really are near the HQ of the Humane Society and you need to go there anyway, it would be so nice of you to ask for any advice and maybe ask if this place is a known place for them. We will try to go next weekend to the Center one more time to take some pictures. Tomorrow my husbands daughter is coming for 4 weeks and we have to go to the airport, so unfortunately I can't go this weekend.

I tried allready to call the Department for Agriculture but so far no one answered the phone.

So once again, thanks for your support and help everybody.

07-17-2007, 10:21 AM
I haven't gone to the Humane Society yet, but I did send a request to WDIV's Ruth Spenser (aka, "Ruth to the Rescue"). The problem was limiting my statement to 100 words :x, but let's see if I wrote enough to rattle her cage.

Anja, if you go to ClickOnDetroit.com, you can find a link to her troubleshooting feature. You can also send her your comments via fax or regular mail, if you want to send her a more detailed description of what you saw in person, and your experiences with the Sheriff's Dept.

07-19-2007, 12:01 AM
I haven't gone to the Humane Society yet, but I did send a request to WDIV's Ruth Spenser (aka, "Ruth to the Rescue"). The problem was limiting my statement to 100 words :x, but let's see if I wrote enough to rattle her cage.

Anja, if you go to ClickOnDetroit.com, you can find a link to her troubleshooting feature. You can also send her your comments via fax or regular mail, if you want to send her a more detailed description of what you saw in person, and your experiences with the Sheriff's Dept.

Thanks so much Barbie... The next 5 min I have a little air (we have guest my husbands daughter and my mother *juppi*) I will sit down and write/fax something to Ruth Spencer. I try to do it this weekend. I have to write a petition for my hairdresser also... so I'm allready in writing-mode...:)

Keep you all updated if I have news and again thx so much Barbie. The more help the better chance we have

07-19-2007, 03:08 PM
Anja. I've used this site for gathering information pertaining to animal laws. Both for pet owners and shop owners. We've had problems with vendors who sold birds at many of the local flea markets in this area. We generally court the enemy so to speak when trying to shut down a questionable operation. Expressing anger towards them will always put them on guard. Some success also came from checking to see were their place of residency was located. Usually these type of vendors frequent markets within a 100 mile radius. Wish you the very best of luck...Michael and Goofy
