View Full Version : Interesting story.

07-02-2007, 10:23 AM
A friend of mine was having a yard sale and had an old bird cage out in the sale and a boy came up and ask her if she was selling the cage and the bird. She was confused and went to look at the cage and a parakeet had flown into it. She gave both to the boy. That must have been one desperate parakeet. Got lost and took the first cage he could find.:rofl:

07-02-2007, 11:08 AM
Guess that little parakeet knew he'd get a home if he claimed the cage :lol Smart birdie!

07-02-2007, 12:22 PM
That's too sweet. :D I like the idea of some sweet 'keet who was lost, finding a new home at a yard sale. It's a storyline worthy of Disney.

Oh Shy? We need our storyteller on board this project!

07-02-2007, 04:39 PM
Storyteller hasn't much time to tell stories. I's a very busy girlie these days.

I am wondering if the poor birdies family is looking for him. He is obviously a pet, and I hope his real family doesn't miss him. I think I would check the newspaper to see if anyone is looking for him. If you find anyone, I would at least let them know what happened, so they can rest assured their birdie is safe and not a kitty treat, or worse.