View Full Version : Good Idea or Bad Idea???

07-02-2007, 03:26 PM
My boyfriend's mum is a Registered Nurse, and she is in charge of terminal patients (those who only have a few months to live), she was talking to a few of the patients about her family and she mentioned that I had a lovebird who was just adorable.

One of the patients asked if Denise (mum) could bring him in to sing for her, (that made me almost cry) because she missed her birds.

Denise asked me that and I said that I am not too sure if it would be a good or bad idea, and that I would ask everyone here.

So what would your opinion be? He has a car carry case, and we would be in her room only, I know she wouldnt want to hold him, just enjoy something she had before and to make her happy before she passes on.

Should I bring him by?

07-02-2007, 03:54 PM
Hi Kirby's mom :)

I think this is a wonderful idea. However... I guess it depends on how Kirby's personality is. If he is happy, friendly and tolerant to new things, why not? I don't think it would harm him. AND it would be such a nice gesture to bring back memories for this old lady since birds played a big role in her life. The thought of it even brings tears to my eyes... life is so precious and somehow so short, isn't it?

Best luck and a big (((( Kirby )))) for your (possibly) wonderful work :)

07-02-2007, 04:35 PM
I might consider it, but only if I was there with the birdie full time. It also depends on how much Kirby enjoys being away form home. Some birdies will clamp up tight if they are afraid and no singing will occur. I would also consider the bacteria and viruses that are ever present in a hospital and try to keep Kirby away from that danger.

07-02-2007, 07:28 PM
I'm assuming that the hospital allows animal visits? I know that many hospitals and nursing homes in my area do allow pet therepy for certain wards. Seniors, children and terminal patients seems to like visit from critters the best.

If the facility your mom works in does allow visit from pet therepy animals, perhaps you could get in touch with one of the volunteers. They could give you the advice and guidance you might need before bringing Kirby over to visit. While I've never taken Beetle to a hospital, etc., I used to take my ferret (she has since passed away) to afterschool programs and to visit w/ my parents' neighbors in a 55+ community. Monster, who could be nippy even with me, always settled down and cuddled with someone who was terminal. You just had to watch her with the oxygen tubes... they were a favorite plaything.

Best of luck,


07-03-2007, 08:32 AM
I would consider doing it, but like Shy said, it would have to be supervised by me. That would be non-negotiable.

If you decide to do it, you could leave Kirby in the travel cage until he gets used to the sights and sounds of the room. Also, I would make sure his flight feathers are trimmed before doing this; best not to take chances if it seems like Kirby would want to come out and say hello.

Do you need to clear this with the patient's dr? Would her symptoms be made worse, for instance, if she was exposed to bird dander? Couple more things to consider.

Bless you for your kind heart. :)

07-03-2007, 10:05 AM
Well, Denise (mum) told me last night after I said that I can bring Kirby by, told me that the woman died a few nights ago in her sleep.

BUT There are other patients, and she looks after quite a few who would love it!!!

Also, I would make sure his flight feathers are trimmed before doing this; best not to take chances if it seems like Kirby would want to come out and say hello.

Kirby can't fly higher than my knees :( the poor Birdy. He had an incidentw ith a bad wing clipping, so I had to even out the other side so he has basically NO flight what so ever, just a foot and he's down :(

I'll shall keep everyone posted!!