View Full Version : How often....?

07-02-2007, 05:50 PM
this may seem like a really silly question, but i'm new with lovies...

but how often do they sleep? nap would be a more appropriate term...

hercules seems to take a whole lot of naps thru the day, is this normal, or is it just becuz he's older? (10yrs old)

07-02-2007, 06:38 PM
I would say it is normal, as they do take little birdie naps throughout the day, and I would also say age may be a factor. If you do however think he is sleeping more than normal, do monitor his poops, food intake, and over all behavior. If you have any doubt, a vet check up is always worth the peace of mind:)

07-03-2007, 11:08 PM
Mine sleep at night from 10pm to about 8am. Of course those hours lengthen in the winter when it is darker outside for longer. They have an afternoon nap between 12pm and 1:30pm, every day. Little 'catnaps' also occur once in a while, but it is usually only one birdie here or there that takes a snooze.

I think it is normal for an older birdie to nap more or perhaps to take more, shorter naps.

07-04-2007, 12:04 AM
that's good

hercules likes to play, sleep, eat, play, sleep some more, eat, play, play, play, sleep lol

although i don't think he is actually asleep half the times cuz he is looking at me lol

i only have my budgie (Tiko) to compare him to, and she doesn't take very many naps, then again she is only 3 and has to be awake whenever i'm awake lol (not my rule) lol

07-04-2007, 12:29 AM
Sometimes Kirby sits on his dog toy and has his eyes closed, but I dont think he's sleeping, it's more of a content relaxed "mode"