View Full Version : So I paid a visit...

07-02-2007, 06:33 PM
...to Beetle's breeder this weekend

Of the 6 babies, 3 are males: 2 dilute slate boys and one slate boy. I spent nearly an hour playing with the a slate and a dilute (the ones the breeder felt were better suited as pet birds) and oh, are they ever darling?

Silly me forgot to take pictures (why I have a cell phone w/ a camera I'll never know as I rarely use it) but to give you an idea, here's a link to another breeder's page: http://www.qtaviary.com/masked-lovebirds.html. Click on the folder marked Dark Factor and that's exactly what the 2 beebs I was playing with looked like.

Both were darling; the slate was very outgoing and sweet. The dilute was the teensiest bit shy but had a spunky personality.

Let's just say that I left the breeder with a deposit... I know that I've been going back and forth about this for WEEKS. Probably to the point of annoying you folks. But once I had decided to not get another lovie (or bird in general, for that matter), I couldn't stop thinking about the beebs...

So we'll see. I'm thinking about it for another day or two before I make my final decision.


07-02-2007, 07:39 PM

OMG! :omg: They are darling! I would have a hard time choosing one too. I am no use for making a decision so I think you're best to do this on your own and/or with someone else's opinion. Oh, ok - get both :p

07-02-2007, 08:02 PM
Just a reminder -- the link I posted isn't of the actual lovies that I saw here in NJ. They look AWFULLY similar, though :D

Believe me: I have given thought to bringing brothers home, a la Janie bringing home Big Boi and Shy as friends for Oliver :lol

I still have some thinking to do... As I said, the beebs that I got to play with were just beautiful (actually, the entire clutch is just one gorgeous bird after the other, all full of personality). As selfish as it sounds, I've been wanting a slate masked lovie since I first came across a photo of one shortly after bringing Beetle home :)


07-02-2007, 11:13 PM
Well if you went to see the babies and put a deposit down, you've made your decision. It just sounds like you're kicking and screaming the whole way through;) .

The babies are beautiful. I love the dilute and would have a hard time passing it up. We have a slate masked lovebird but she's spindly, socially inept, and thinks she's a meyer's parrot. She totally cracks me up and we love her :rolleyes: .

07-02-2007, 11:17 PM
The first words out of my mouth when I saw those pictures was OOOOHHHH......!! And since I am alone and talking to the computer...that means those are TOO DARN CUTE!!!

I like the idea of coping Janie!! Just think, it would be just as easy to introduce 2....and they're boys....come on...do it!!

Those are both BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL lovebirds!!! If you end up choosing one, it would have to be for their attitude, because I don't know how you would choose between two PRETTY lovies!!!

07-03-2007, 11:26 AM
I firmly believe that you can say no all you want about another.Then you see a bird and fall hook line and linker.lol. The right bird will fall into your life when you least expect it..


07-03-2007, 04:40 PM
You are not annoying me in the least! :D I did the same thing, thought about it, thought about it and then, thought about it some more! The photos are great, she has lovely lovies! IF you decide to get two, IMHO, get two males. I think one hen with 2 males would definitely up-set the apple cart, so to speak! Beetle is a male, right?

Looking back, I'm not sure if Oliver would have liked either Big Boi or Shy if I'd only gotten one of them. Maybe because he knew his spot was secure with me (on my should right now, :D) he accepted both of them knowing they would not take his place but adding one bird would have meant I'd have to spend equal time with the new bird. It's possible he would have become buddies with a single lovie but I think he's much happier having the company of both and I know I feel much less guilty spending far more time with Oliver than I do with them since they are always there for each others company.

I sure do love the eye-ring species! Oh boy, if I were starting from scratch.......:lol

07-03-2007, 04:52 PM
I going to have to agree with what Janie, as well as others have said, about getting two; I think it's a good idea as well. That way, if worse comes to worse, and Beetle isn't willing to accept a new lovie, then the new guy will have a pal for life (and Beetle can remain your buddie). I have two clutchmates- sisters- and they have such a special bond. When I found them I was looking for one, but couldn't separate them, and I am so glad I did end up with both.

Good luck with everything and I can't wait to find out what you decide!