View Full Version : It's a birds life

07-03-2007, 12:29 AM
Every morning my day starts to the wonderful beckoning calls of my fids. I groggily crawl out of bed and go to greet my little alarm clocks. There's Niblet plastered to the side of her door, not so patiently awaiting to be sprung free, all bright eyed and raring to go.

So out she comes on my shoulder and makes her way with me to the kitchen where i sit and enjoy my coffee, while she gleefully mumbles in my ear, After we have our one on one time together, it's time for her to eat her breakfast and take her one of many baths for the day.

By this time Ms. Jiggy is mad. How dare that funny looking bird come before her :lol . So i open the door and Ms. Jiggy comes marching out, voicing her displeasure, with Bibble meekly following behind. They get to stay out about an hour, that is if Ms. Jiggy behaves herself and does'nt try to tear the house down :eek: . They come out in the evening too.

Finally after bribing, pleading, sweet talking, and some pouting (on my part and hers) ,i finally convince Ms Jiggy it's time to go back in.

Next it's Doodle's time. Never one to stoop so low as to make a spectacle of himself like Ms. Jiggy, he makes his way out in a dignified manner and climbs on top of his cage to begin a thorough preening session. Doodle has an open door policy, unless Ms. Jiggy and Bibble are out, then he has to stay in his cage. There is nothing Ms. Jiggy would like better than to take a few feathers off his head or worse :omg:

Niblet stays glued on me most of the day, and Doodle does'nt pay her no mind when he's out too. Niblet is already talking a little. She can say, Baby, bird, niblet, and i believe a few not so desirable words when Ms. Jiggy is on the rampage:lol .

The love i have for these four little birds has surprised me. They each have their own personalities and each one holds a special place in my heart.


07-03-2007, 11:01 AM
Owned by a few grams of feathers. :D They've sure got you trained! Then again, aren't we all. :lol