View Full Version : Rehoming lovebirds

07-03-2007, 08:57 AM
Well It's looking like I'm going to have to be rehoming two of my lovebirds and I HATE REHOMING any of my birds!!!!!!!!!

I have these four lovebirds Spike, Greenie, Blu, and Zoey. Spike and Greenie have been paired off for almost two years, and Spike is one of my two birds with liver problems and Greenie is my plucker/mutilator. The vet thinks Spike's liver problems are likely a result of all the eggs Spike laid this year and her egg binding incident. It seems a hen's estrogen levels increase with hormonal behavior and attention, which can have a negative effect on the liver if excessive. Anyway, as many of you remember we lost our sweet lovie Daisy earlier in the year. She left behind her mate Blu who set about wooing Spike shortly after Daisy passed. At first Blu's interest in Spike wasn't too bad and I had hoped Blu would hook up with Zoey who was born earlier in the year. Eventually Blu did show interest in Zoey and they would start hanging out and still sleep in the same cage just fine. However, Blu has become very very obsessed with Spike and spends every waking minute outside his cage chasing after her. Spike would sometimes let him preen and feed her but would bite at him a lot, which would drive him back to Zoey. Well it seems as if the last couple of weeks Blu is making a strong run at winning Spike and is getting more aggressive with Greenie and Greenie is starting to get stressed and upset. Now if Spike and Greenie were healthy birds I wouldn't be so bothered by Blu's behavior because it's all natural, but that's not the case. Blu's behavior is adding stress on Spike's already taxed system and stressing out Greenie who has his own health issues. So my only recourse seems to be to rehome Blu and Zoey.

Now I think I found a good home with a similiar set up as mine in they have a bunch of birds and they get a lot of toys, food, and out of the cage time. I drove a ways out to go visit and if things don't work out Blu and Zoey can come back to live with us, which is really a great set-up. I am still sad and have to keep telling my husband and myself it's the best for all concerned birdies. I know this is a long post but thought I'd share my delima. We all know I love my birdies and they all moved with us from Hawaii to Oregon so i consider them my family:( :( .

07-03-2007, 09:18 AM

While I know this was a hard decision, I know you made it out of love and concern for your fids, and have chosen what is best for them. Part of great love is choosing someone elses feelings, and best interest over your own.

I know this will heartbreaking for you though, and BIG ((((HUGS)))) and support are always here for you.

07-03-2007, 09:33 AM

I can't imagine what you're going through. Even giving one of my babies away was hard, but re-homing would be tough. I hope everything works out for you and both birdies find good loving homes. :)

07-03-2007, 09:40 AM
Aw (((((Laura)))))

I know you're doing what's best for your flock and individual birds. Hard call, but a good one. And like you said, they can always come back to you if things don't work out.


07-03-2007, 10:55 AM
Laura, I am sorry. I do believe that when rehoming is done in the best interest of the birds, it's always the right decision. We all know that in your case it isn't because they are too loud, too messy, too bitey not cuddly enough etc. I would never question your decision to re-home any bird and I know it's hard for you to make that decision. (((HUGS)))

07-03-2007, 11:21 AM
Laura, I am so sorry your having to go through this. You are a awesome fid-mama and we all know you would not do this unless it was only choice left.


07-03-2007, 02:46 PM
(((Laura))) I am so sorry to hear of your dilemma, I know it's a hard decsion, but the right one.

I have shared a few times my rehoming of my wonderful dog Earnie. My girl dog Charlette has serious emotional problems (girls, hens eh? always the problem) and would attack Earnie. I knew someone could give Earnie a good home and Charlette's stress level would lower (and I could take her off of her doggie mood meds). Also, Earnie's wonderful attitude would have changed if he remained in this situation.

I get many people asking me why I gave the 'good' dog up and kept the problem one. Kind of like your 2 special health needs lovebirds you are keeping instead of the 'healthy' ones. I always thought that I made the right choice. I explain that Charlette would have to be put down, because I don't think I could find a owner who would be able to understand/love her. I didn't want to pass my 'problem' dog onto someone else.

I cry and get sad when I think of Earnie, but I know he is with a good family and can stay that wonderful doggie I know he is.

I hope my story helps you, I think our situations are very similar. Pets are pets no matter if they have wings or fur or fins.

07-03-2007, 06:52 PM
Lots and lots of ((((HUGS)))), Laura.

I know that this was in no way an easy decision for you. I had to rehome my hedgehogs (which I truly did love) after they caused me health problems that I could not ignore. It was heartbreaking but for the best.

I'm sure that you have found the best possible home to care for members of your flock. They will always have a special place in your heart!

Best wishes,


10-29-2007, 12:24 PM
Well I thought I'd update this thread and let everyone know that Blu and Zoey are now back at home with us. I originally thought the person I rehomed them to was interested in keeping them as pets, but once I got there she said she'd have them in long term foster care. Well the person she intended to rehome them to had an outdoor aviary which neither my husband nor I wanted. Our birds were hatched and raised in Hawaii and living outdoors in Oregon seemed cruel. The only other option was to leave them indoors but caged, which was not an option for us either. So we were able to bring them back home.

Blu and Zoey are doing well. After quarantine, they moved back into the bird room, and are sooooooo happy. I don't know if they remember us or the birds as they were gone three months, but they seem to fit right in. Blu is no longer interested in Spike, because he's now fully bonded to Zoey. This is the best news as Blu's obsession with Spike is the main reason we rehomed them in the first place.

I'm not sure what this whole experience is about but it seems to have worked out for everybirdy. My husband is especially happy to have them home.

Sasha M
10-29-2007, 12:46 PM
:clap :clap :rofl: So happy for you and your babies, I'm sure everyone will get along great now :D

10-29-2007, 12:58 PM
Laura, how the heck did I miss this post in July?!!!!!!?????????? Geesh I feel like an idiot! :blush:

Sorry it didn't work out for the little guys, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that it all works out in the end at your house.

I've been to Laura's house, seen her sweeties and if I were a bird, I would want to live there. :lol

10-29-2007, 01:04 PM

I'm really glad to hear everything has worked out. I know it's not what you originally intended, but it's for the best interest of your babies. Hopefully everything will stay as it is. :)

10-29-2007, 03:36 PM
Laura, very good update! :) I'll bet you anything they do remember you and the rest of the flock and will now be on their best behavior, knowing how good they had it there! I'm am sure they are very happy to be back "home"....:happy:

10-29-2007, 05:34 PM
Really an amazing turn of events. Hopefully the separation was enough to solidify both relationships. Thank gosh you made arrangements for their return in the event that rehoming didn't work out. Way to go Laura! And best wishes for the whole family/flock.................Michael and Goofy :)

10-30-2007, 08:06 AM

I'm sorry the situation did not work out, but as the others said, glad you had a plan in place in case it didn't.

I'm sure they were happy to see you though, as I know you were to see them also. Sometimes things happen for a reason, and I'm sure this is one of those times. Who knows what that is, but I'm sure you'll find out soon:)