View Full Version : Emoticons? Am I the only one?

07-04-2007, 04:59 AM
For a while now, some of the emoticons (smiles) are unavailable to me. Red X and the 'code' for the smilie.

Not all, only 2 on the regular page, but the 'more' page, none.

I miss them...I NEED THEM...how else can I express my true feelings?

Kidding, it's not a big deal...just wondering if it's just me.

07-04-2007, 06:41 AM
No, you're not the only one who can't see the missing emoticons. When we did the last upgrade, the ones that were housed within vBulletin were overwritten and I've been so busy that I've not had time to find what was overwritten and add them to the server where the other emoticons are housed. I found a few of them and I will try to upload them as soon as I can.

Any customizations are lost and need to be redone whenever I update our software. However, the last one was done very quickly, as there's a group of hackers out in cyberspace that have been taking down many, many discussion boards, including a number of vBulletin sites. The last upgrade offers us more protection than we previously had.

07-04-2007, 06:54 AM
Thanks Linda,

Boy, you would think running a forum would be easy....KIDDING!!

Computers, I love them, yet I hate them just as much!