View Full Version : New Cage Buddies?

07-04-2007, 11:45 AM
Just wanted to pass along some encouraging news. Ever since the loss of Betty, we have been trying to introduce a new cage mate for her widower, Bosco. The natural choice, we felt, was Sammy because of his unaggressive nature. So, we have been putting Sam in with Bosco for short, supervised periods. Bosco is naturally inquisitive but not too aggressive. Sam is shy and a little bit afraid. (Read: "Momma's boy!") :lol

Today was the first time that Sam seemed to be cool with Bosco. They shared a perch and even waggled butts! I think we are well on our way to cohabitation. Also, I think this may socialize Bosco (with us) even more. I know that George learned to accept us more by Gracie's example. I don't want to get my expectations too high but, I can't help being encouraged by all of this. 8)

07-04-2007, 03:39 PM

I sure hope all works out. I know Bosco will enjoy the company. Shoot, who wouldn't enjoy sweet little Sammikin as a cage mate:)

07-04-2007, 07:07 PM
Shoot, who wouldn't enjoy sweet little Sammikin as a cage mate? Didgit. :evil: They didn't enjoy each other much at all by the time we split them up.

07-04-2007, 10:23 PM
Keeping my fingers crossed that it works out between Sammy and Bosco! :)