View Full Version : Birdie Bands

07-04-2007, 11:45 AM
My baby bird Jasper (well not so baby, hes a couple months old) came with a band around his leg, I havnt been able to look at the numbers or anything on it yet but should I leave it on there or should I cut it off. I know that this can tell me how old he really is, but I am unsure of what the numbers/letters mean on it and everything.

07-04-2007, 12:15 PM
I have 2 birds with bands on, and when they go for their next vet visit, I am getting them cut off.

I have already had 2 get cut off. Even before I asked my avian vet, she offered. She told me that she doesn't like them, because she has seen infections due to rubbing and what not. I wanted to get them off, because my first lovie, Kiko, got her's off herself. One day it was there, then looking through some pictures I noticed it wasn't there. Just the idea of her little beak working at that, or worse, hurting her, made me wonder.

It is a little scary when the vet takes out the wire like cutters and of course my birds squawked bloody murder. As long as the vet is careful and uses the right size equipment to take it off, it should be fine. Such small legs, big metal sheers....broken leg possibilies....

If you do get the band off, write down the info from the band. I actually still have the bands in a pocket of my purse:whistle: .

I don't know what more experianced lovebird owners would say, but I say get bands off those little leggies.

07-04-2007, 12:20 PM
My vet took off the band at Tutti's visit. He said it was there to prove that he was bred legally (not captured wild) but that it could irritate him. I kept the band.

Those big cutters were scary! (To me; less so to Tutti Frutti). But now he doesn't pull at the band anymore. :)

07-04-2007, 05:37 PM
It is a personal choice. I had a hen with a band but I never got it removed. It was closed and never bothered her. Plus to me it was a way that heaven forbid she got out that i could ID her.


07-04-2007, 06:08 PM
I have two birds, my oldest and my youngest, who have leg bands and they've never had problems with them. As far as infections are concerned, I don't see any risk as long as you give your bird frequent baths so the area remains clean. I also like the idea of having a way to ID my birds. Actually, I wish all my birds had them.

The info on the band, btw, is usually the initials of the breeder or aviary, the year the bird was hatched, and a number that is unique to the bird (which is used by the breeder for identification purposes).

Incidently, I could of sworn I heard somewhere that all pet birds will now be required to have bands. I'm not sure if it was a national thing, or something local to me (for NH and Mass). Maybe someone else here can shed some light...

07-04-2007, 08:30 PM
I got a look at the band today and it says 3547 AAC MA 06...whatever that means...but I went back to the store today to get his wings clipped to help tame him and she said she knows the breeder and the eggs were hatched in december:S am I in for a looooonnnnggggg couple of months trying to tame him?

07-04-2007, 11:56 PM
Hi Kasey!!

I just got my lovie Kirby about 3 months ago and went from pulling him from his cage with my hands and getting bit, to leaving him alone and having him come to me.

So the key is PATIENCE!!! And trust me it works. Instead of FORCING Jasper to try to step up and what not, just leave him alone, let him come to you. I'd get some millet seed and offer some from your fingers (hold the long end, as he might go for fingers)

Basically, if you try too hard to train him and don't give him time to absorb everything then it will just keep taking longer and longer to train!!

Just be thankful youre on summer break (maybe :) ) and you can spend time with him!!!!

Lauren & Kirby

07-05-2007, 07:58 AM
I got a look at the band today and it says 3547 AAC MA 06...whatever that means...but I went back to the store today to get his wings clipped to help tame him and she said she knows the breeder and the eggs were hatched in december:S am I in for a looooonnnnggggg couple of months trying to tame him?

Christine is right, the numbers represent the aviary and the year hatched. I had my avian vet cut off the bands of my younger two lovies. I know the breeder and their exact hatch date and just didn't want to take a chance with the bands becoming a problem in the future even though they probably would not have.

Kasey, you might or might not have a loooooong couple of months ahead trying to tame him. Every bird is different so you can't put an exact time frame on that. Please don't get frustrated or disappointed if it doesn't happen overnight. I would tell anyone who has a bird as old as Jasper that has not been tamed (at least not since the pet store bought him) to expect 1 to 6 months for that to happen and even then, not all birds will be cuddly or velcro birdies including a baby that has been hand fed and socialized. Some birds love to snuggle, aren't a bit afraid of hands and want to be on their person all the time but many don't and those can still be great companions. I wish (really!) that my three were less clingy! :rolleyes:

07-05-2007, 07:00 PM
Beetle came home closed banded from the breeder. I intended on keeping him banded but my vet is not a fan of bands. I did opt to have it clipped off (easily done in the vet's office -- I would not attempt this at home). While it would certainly serve as a means of identification if Beetle were to get lost (a kind hearted soul might take the time to track down the breeder) I worried that the band was something he *might* get caught on something while I was out of the house.

Jasper - I LOVE the name :) Just give him time. Lots of love, lots of patience and then some more patience. He'll warm up to you in time.

Best of luck,


07-05-2007, 07:23 PM
I got a look at the band today and it says 3547 AAC MA 06...whatever that means...

Sorry, I forgot to add that sometimes the state abbreviation is on the band as well. For instence, it appears yours was hatched in Massachusetts in 2006. AAC is the breeder, and his band # is the other number listed.

07-06-2007, 04:14 PM
Was the band closed or split/open? I put closed bands on my baby doves because it makes them easier to quickly identify, but if you plan on having just a few birds that look very different then, sure, I don't see any harm taking the band off.