View Full Version : Baby Bog Lemming

07-04-2007, 08:03 PM
My cat caught baby lemming last night and it amazingly survived (I guess my cat bit hard enough to *just* pierce the skin). Now what should I do with him. He opened 1 eye this afternoon and he's eating on his own, other then that he's a baby. Anyone have any hints for me? There aren't any rescues or anything around so I'll have to take care of him, and seeing how he's eating on his own I'm willing to give it a try. I gave him some cheese and a piece of a cracker cause I thought he was some weird mouse when I first got him, but I know better now. He just loved the cheese! I gave him some plants to munch on but he's been sleeping for a while.... I dunno if he'll eat it yet... Just one important question...Would I have to......um......well, I know you have to encourage mice to use the restroom, would I have to do that with this little guy to?

07-05-2007, 10:00 AM
Oh, wow. This little guy is doing great! He found the water bottle we gave him-finally. He's eating, drinking, using the bathroom, and both his eyes are open. He's still too small to release, and I'm not sure how he'd get along in the 'wild' anyways, considering how he was inside when he first opened his eyes...Anyone know? There's a lemming-the Steppe Lemming- that people do keep as pets. I dunno if I could keep this little guy, but his diet is very strict. I don't know...

07-05-2007, 10:09 AM
My personal thoughts are that Lemmings are wild animals, no matter what, even if they were to be bred in captivity. He really needs to be released back into the wild. Kudos to your for being willing to help him get to the point where he has a chance at survival! :)

07-05-2007, 11:21 AM
It's special of you to take in this little baby. Last year a baby hummingbird ended up in my garage during a nasty storm. It feels great to know you can nurse a tiny being and get them back on their way. You mentioned the restricted diet of a lemming, so I'm sure you are aware of the no sugar rule (fruits, coated seeds, etc.) I guess I would contact an exotic pet vet or even the zoo to find out if, once he's been eating and drinking from a human, if he can learn to get along out there by himself. Good luck!

07-05-2007, 11:46 AM
Yes, I do know the 'sugar rule'. My one concern was if he could get along after being fed by a human ever since his eyes opened. I dunno. I'll see if I can contact an expert. If he can get along by himself then it is the best to release him, otherwise I had better be saving my money:p
We'll see how it all works out. Either way, I'm gonna try to do what's best for him.

07-05-2007, 12:08 PM
I wasn't sure what a lemming looked like...so I looked it up. The pictures show a rodent somewhat like a ground squirrel. Cute, I like rodents.

Glad the baby is doing well.

07-05-2007, 01:26 PM
Yeah, the lemming is somewhere between a mouse and chipmunk. This little guy is a very dark grey which I haven't heard of, but his fur might lighten after a time. He's about the size of a half dollar. VERY cute. I never really liked rodents (I was bitten by my brothers mouse when I was 3, not very pleasant>: ) but I just love this little guy!:p

07-05-2007, 03:58 PM
I don't know that much about lemmings, but are you sure it's not a vole? They are normally darker in color and very similar in body type. I thought lemmings lived in the arctic tundra, whereas voles can be found in the US. In any case, good luck with your little guy. I just love rodents so keep us posted on his progress!!

07-05-2007, 08:08 PM
I regret to say that our little friend has passed. I FINALLY found a picture of a baby vole and I guess that's what he was after all. I saw a map that showed where Southern bog Lemmings lived and it showed the area I live in. Either way, it doesn't really matter now... :( I didn't really expect him to live long anyways because of the cat wounds, but I thought he might pull through. Lived longer then I thought, and he passed much more peacefully then having his bones crushed by a cat. Always look at the bright side.....

07-05-2007, 08:55 PM
Oh I am so sorry he passed away. You tried and that's more than some people would do. Poor little guy.