View Full Version : Some people really make me angry

06-30-2005, 10:28 PM
I belong to a few free-cycle and yardsale sites. I went on last night asking if anyone had cages they do not need for birds or hamsters. You never know someone could have one sitting and be nice. Plus my daughters hamster needs a new cage. On there your not allowed to say why you want it just what you want. A lady messaged me this morning asking why i wanted them. So I told her. Well today she sends me another e-mail. She said she ran a pet store for 11yr and how small birds will allow babys to stay in nest even if they have eggs . I had mentioned I was also looking at starting a small bird rescue here as I have the time and land even to build a bird room. She must of taken it wrong way because she told me she would never catch wild birds :confused: I am by no means a expert on birds but i have seen here enough about the possability that Baggy could decide Whisper needs to get out. I know probably silly to be mad. but I kinda felt like the lady thought i was stupid with the things she asked and way she said them.

Steph-whos husband said i am to emotinal :lol

06-30-2005, 10:41 PM
I've belonged to a couple of freecycle groups and I've found the intelligence level to be, well....... most have a lack of understanding when it comes to a lot of things! I offered a full size bedroom set and someone sent me an e-mail, wanting to know if the set was solid wood! Hey, if you need a bed to sleep on, which is more important, the bed or what it's made from??????? Gheesh!

06-30-2005, 10:44 PM
Yeah I know. She jsut sent me 2 more e-mails. The first said she has a nice sized cockatil cage that is black and house shaped. She said if my birds fight i can have it. But that she really hopes she can fill it with finches. The second was that she has 30 books on bird breeding if I wanted to borrow them. lol My husband rolled his eyes at that one.


07-01-2005, 12:35 AM
I know what you mean. We have a pet store here and boy are they snobs. I bought Mango from them and when I wanted another lovebird they kept discouraging me from getting another one. Told me I cant get another lovebird, and that Mango would turn wild and hate us (not true!!). Weird, it wasn't so much that they were warning me what might happen, but it was more like they didnt want me to get more birds. Then when I went to buy a nest box there, the young girl acted like I was completely stupid and started giving unsolicited advice...but in a stuck up patronizing way. She told me I couldnt use the box becasue it was winter (I do heat my house!!) and the hen would get egg-bound. Then she started to say, "you know you need to put some substrate in there, dont you?" I finally told her I had talked to breeders and had been shown how to hand-feed etc and that I already knew what she was telling me. i dont mind advice, dont get me wrong, but apparently they are the experts and no one else is smart enough to know anything!!!

Very annoying...


07-01-2005, 06:31 AM
I remember when I took Franci in to an avian vet's office (my regular vet was out of town at the time) for treatment of injuries from a bite by her mother and they wanted to keep her for a few days because they didn't think I knew how to handfeed!!! They were quite insistent about it and I told them I was quite qualified to take care of her! I know they had her best interests at heart but, darn it, cut me a break!

07-01-2005, 07:58 AM
who was it that said it on the old site....?



sometimes its better to just come right out and tell them what your feeling and LEAVE and shop somewhere else! I have done that. I cant stand when people talk down to me like im some kind of idiot. sometimes I bite my tounge, but there are those other times!

Take care,

07-01-2005, 11:33 AM
I deleated her last 2 e-mails and will not respond to her anymore. But something interesting happened. I was telling my husbands mom about it. I slipped and mentioned I was thinking of doing bird rescue.My Mother in law thought that was a wonderful idea :eek: She even gave me a freind of hers number to call who may have cages i could have. This from a women who wondered why i wanted a bird as a pet.lol. She said atleast I do not have a snake( yet :evil: but she does not know that..lol).

Lori, I am same way i bite tounge..But I came so close to letting that lady have it.


07-01-2005, 01:49 PM
My :2cents: :

I try not to get angry with stupid people. Most of the time, they aren't truly stupid but are really just ignorant. However, when you combine ignorance with arrogance, I have no time for that kind of hog wash. >:

Congratulations, Steph, on the Mother-in-law change of heart. 8)

07-01-2005, 02:45 PM
Tim's comments made me think of a quote from Plato I've been fond of for a long time

Ignorance is an evil neither terrible nor excessive, nor yet the greatest of all; but great cleverness and much learning, if they be accompanied by a bad training, are a much greater misfortune.

07-01-2005, 04:12 PM
I like it!8)

07-01-2005, 04:33 PM
Ummmm.....Steph.....you do know that snakes eat birds and eggs??????right........and they will do whatever it takes to get out of the tank....etc they are in to get in the cage that birds and eggs are in. Just checking. Hope you find your cages. I just bought 2 cockatiels, came with 2 large cages on stands yesterday.....the dark side is strong......and I'm still gonna get my zebra finches for my b-day or else! It is a full moon? paulette

07-01-2005, 04:53 PM
we have a Ball python, and she is in our parlor, she couldn't get out of the tank if there were a room full of rats taunting her for months!!
You see the stipulation for my husband to bring it home 6 yrs ago was that he had to make sure there was no way for her to EVER get out unsupervised. So far she has Never gotten out, as far as I can tell she has never even tried.
I know my birds are in my sunportch right now, but they werent always in there, and sometimes when I would cook I would put the cage (we only had one cage back in Feb) on the coffee table in the parlor where the snake is.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know what our experience is with "Elvira" the ball python.
It could be different with other kinds of snakes but with this one things are fine.
When I get the chance and she isn't hiding in the cave she has, I will take a few pics and upload them so you all can see her tank.
Take care,

07-01-2005, 05:09 PM
LOL I will not be getting a snake for about 10yrs if i do. My husband made me promise to wait til my boys were older. I had a snake long ago(hide from parents too) and she meet a bad death(she got out and neigbor saw her..enough said :cry: ). But one day I may like to get one. I like all animals...except insects..lol.

P.S. My snake was only 2ft long and I hide her in my closet..lol no idea how my mom never figured it out though.

07-04-2005, 12:07 AM
Steph....you are a riot! Snakes are sneeky...it's just their nature.

07-04-2005, 12:11 AM
Bring on the pics. I just don't like snakes. When I was a kid....if there was a snake anywhere in the vicinity......I was the one stepping on it......ALWAYS!!!! and amazingly never got bitten. Maybe due to my ability to jump high when seeing one. I grew up in Arkansas and copperheads and cottonmouths are poisonous!!! I don't mind looking at them behind glass. I enjoy looking at the ones at Bass Pro Shop or at the Zoo.