View Full Version : Going for the weekend, what shall I do?!

07-05-2007, 11:05 AM
Well my mom has just told me that my aunty had invited me over for the whole weekend, and well.. I still have my baby bird(8 weeks old) Peachy with me and it hasnt been very long since I've had him(about 6 days). I dont want to leave it home alone for the weekend, but I was wondering if bringing Peachy along with me was a good idea?!.. And just for a little update: Peachy has been doing AMAZINGLY. Since hes so young he has learnt to love me as if I was his mommy. Literally. He always wants to cuddle with me and he loves getting kisses,little hugs(dont worry, I dont sqweese him) and scratches. So thats why I was wondering if I should bring him along since I dont want him feeling like he lost his mommy...

Any comment is going to be helpful:)

07-05-2007, 11:48 AM

07-05-2007, 11:59 AM
Some folks take their lovies with them on vacations. I guess I would make sure it was okay with your aunt and it's safe for Peachy. I would also make sure you have a safe carrier Peachy can travel in and you are able to take his cage with you. You can do a search for posts related to travel carriers and safe travel. Now is a good time to start traveling with him if you want to continue this in the future as he's young.

Good Luck

07-05-2007, 12:14 PM
Why thank you Laura:) That was extremely helpful! Its only around a half an hour drive, so I dont think it will be that bad.. thank you very much again!:)

07-05-2007, 05:07 PM
I don't think The ride would be much of a problem. I got my lovy in another town and it was about a 30 min ride or so and he/she was fine. I would take it if I were you but thats just me. ;)

07-05-2007, 06:56 PM
If it's OK w/ your aunt, I'd bring beautiful Peachy along. Laura's advice is spot on: if you start taking little trips with Peachy now, s/he will likely always feel safe on longer trips with you. Beetle has never gone far (just to the vet or groomer's and back) but I used to take my budgies to visit my parents on my weekends home while in college. They seemed to enjoy the ride in the car :)

Best wishes!


07-07-2007, 06:56 PM
It's always a good idea to get your birds well- adjusted to being in a car. Car rides make Haku nervous, i think he associates them with the long drive home from the petstore, but Evie loves to go for drives, her eyes get all glowy when she sees the car :lol and she makes happy clucking noises the whole time.

07-08-2007, 01:49 PM
Well my weekend turned out being fantastic with my aunt, uncle and my cusins AND my little Peachy:) She didnt feel nervous at all in the car or at my aunts house. Peachy is so amazing and cuddles with anyone! I found out he loves to play with kleenex! Its hilarious, I was actually playing 'tug-a-war' with him and the kleenex. Hes just so perfect and I love him so much:D

Thanks everyone for all your wonderful help, I appreciate it!:)

07-08-2007, 01:52 PM
I'm very glad to hear that everything went well with Peachy! I've taken birds on trips before and I've never had any problems! :)

07-08-2007, 04:43 PM
Lili, this is the first time I've seen this thread but wanted to say that I'm glad you took Peachy and very happy to hear that it all went so well. :)

I took my oldest lovie, Oliver, with me on a 5 hr. trip to TN one time. My mother was very old and wanted to "meet" him so off we went. The trip went very well but since it was a long one I did make several stops to offer him seed and water. I had his small cage belted in the back seat and I could watch him through the rear-view mirror. We chatted the whole way there and back. :D

07-09-2007, 10:09 AM
Janie- Hahaha.. Peachy slep the whole way:P He was a tired little lovie. Well afterall, he is just a baby lol Im happy that he was a very VERY good boy at my aunts house and let everyone take a nice look at him, and he even cuddled with my cusin. It was so cute to see. I was a proud lovie owner:)

I took Peachy's bath today.. Actually, it was actually a random bath lol I was washing his water bowl in the sink and he was sitting on my shoulder. He ended up crawling all the way down to the sink and went crazy in the water! He was opening up his wings under the water tap and cleaning himself. It was sooo cute:) And guess what I teached him already.. I teached him how to hand shake! Hes such a fast learner.

07-09-2007, 10:38 AM
I've read those stories about lovies walking down your arm to take a bath in the sink but not a single one of my three will do that! It would be a very convenient way to take a bath! Mine do sit on my shoulder when I'm at the sink and they cock their heads and watch everything I'm doing but won't take the nest step. They still insist on bathing in their bath bowl on top of Oliver's cage. Or in his water dish! :rolleyes:

07-09-2007, 05:48 PM
I've read those stories about lovies walking down your arm to take a bath in the sink but not a single one of my three will do that! It would be a very convenient way to take a bath! Mine do sit on my shoulder when I'm at the sink and they cock their heads and watch everything I'm doing but won't take the nest step. They still insist on bathing in their bath bowl on top of Oliver's cage. Or in his water dish! :rolleyes:

Ditto loves baths in the sink. He demands that I make a pool for him with my hands then he soaks in there with the water running on him.:happy:

07-10-2007, 03:53 PM
haha lovies are just so darn cute:) they are such little clowns!

07-11-2007, 07:07 PM
I've read those stories about lovies walking down your arm to take a bath in the sink but not a single one of my three will do that! It would be a very convenient way to take a bath... They still insist on bathing in their bath bowl on top of Oliver's cage. Or in his water dish! :rolleyes:

I know -- I see photos and video clips of lovies doing that but I think Beetle would just hop off my shouler :lol He seems to love using his water dish so I try to change it at least twice a day.

07-11-2007, 07:14 PM
In my hands in the sink is the only way Jack will bathe. Actually, I like this better, because they make such splashes when they shake, that I wouldn't want his whole cage getting wet. If he sees me at the sink with the water running and I don't invite him he sure yells at me!