View Full Version : Lacey LuLu is 3

07-01-2005, 07:30 AM
My Lacey LuLu Angel is three years old today. When Linda offered to send Lacey to me I was a bit hesitant thinking I would loose my relationship with Bela, but I did want him to have everything he deserved in life, and a mate was what he is missing. Their relationship is not exactly as a couple should be yet, but I am hopeful, and they do love each other, so that's the important thing.

I did not loose my relationship with Bela at all, in fact I gained another little love. Lacey is just the sweetest, most adorable fid ever. I just love her to pieces, and I can't look at her without telling her that, and just how pretty she is. Sometimes I get tears in my eyes just talking to her, cause I love her so much. It continuosly amazes me that she was a parent raised aviary bird, cause she doesn't have a wild bone in her :)

OK, I've rattled on enough, I just wanted to share a bit, and to thank Linda again for sending me this little Angel. Lacey is so special, and on her special day, I give thanks for her being in my life, and letting me love her.

07-01-2005, 08:40 AM
:happy: Happy Birdy Day to You, Lacey!:happy:

Dammit, Lori, now you've got me sniffing over here!:cry:
Seriously, enjoy your special day today; extra scritches and millet for everyone.

07-01-2005, 09:51 AM
Happy Birdday Lori and Lacey!

Here's to many more years together!

07-01-2005, 11:25 AM
Happy Birdday to you Miss Lacey LuLu.


07-01-2005, 12:51 PM

You have a wonderful momma and cage mate. Ask for anything you want and I'll bet you get it :D Don't forget to bat those eyes like a good Southern Belle :whistle:

07-01-2005, 04:22 PM
Happy Hatchday, Lacey!

Make sure that Miss Lori and Bela treat you like the queen you are today!! You deserve headscritches, kisses, millet and all the other favorite treats that you love so much. This is your day! Live it for all it's worth...


07-01-2005, 05:20 PM
Happy Hatchday Miss Lacey Lu!!

We sent Bela that tape you were asking for. ;)

George, Gracie, Didjit, Sammy, Bosco, and Betty (the little ones are too young to know what's going on. ;))

Buy A Paper Doll
07-01-2005, 09:00 PM
Happy birdday to you
Happy birdday to you
Happy birdday dear Lacey
Happy birdday to you!

Birdday wishes and millet-breath kisses from Milo and Melody

07-01-2005, 10:30 PM
Happy Bird-Day Lacey LuLu !!!
Love from Scooter, Beaker, George, Dawn, Bubsy, Zazu and all the rest of the feathered critters :)

07-01-2005, 11:25 PM
Happy Birthday, LuLu Lacey

Hope ya have a good one and yer momma gives ya lots of good snacks and presents.

I hope Bela treats ya real good on yer special day, too.

07-02-2005, 08:58 AM
Happy birthday!
Love from
Poirot, Miss Lemon, Gladrags (Galadriel), Arwen, Legs (Legolas) and Kiri

We know you'll get spoiled rotten! :)