View Full Version : My Trip to the Pet store...without another lovie!

07-08-2007, 08:09 PM
I almost did walk out with another lovie!

I feel bad for Chicken and Peepers, I would like them to have a cage mate. They still live side-by-side and get out of the cage time together. They always sit on the sides of the cage that are beside each other.

I asked this new birdie (that will make a WONDERFUL pet for SOMEONE ELSE), to tell me he was a boy. Since I liked him so much, this means he HAS TO BE A GIRL!!! He was a nice pretty normal green lovie who was caged with a mean bitey normal green lovie. Oh course, I allowed both of them to visit me. They were the older pair there, and the worker told me they don't get much out of the cage time. So, I spent about an hour with them.....let them walk all over me...then left the store WITHOUT THEM, like a good girl.

Not to mention the time I spent with the Senegal parrots...nice $1000 birdies....one day MAYBE.

Yep, I have nice birdie bites all over my hands....boy am I gonna have fun at work tomorrow in the lab where I was my hands in 70% ethanol ALL DAY!!!

07-09-2007, 12:16 AM
You are a tougher cookie than me. It is a hard day for me to be able to walk out of a pet store without new lovies. Man, I saw two of the cutest little pied fischers the other day. They pulled at my heart strings, but 10 birdies is enough.

Senegals here start at about $1800. You guys must really have a tough time walking away from that.

07-09-2007, 12:38 AM
Senegals here start at about $1800. You guys must really have a tough time walking away from that.

Wow Shy...that's REALLY expensive!! This was at Petland I was at, where everything is twice as much as other stores I go to!!

If you ever want a bird from Winnipeg, I always need a reason to come to Calgary...you guys have IKEA!!! Oh, and I LOVE Calgary!

07-09-2007, 06:11 AM
I'll bet that ethanol is nothing compared to what it took to leave the pet store with an empty mental cage. You have conquered but one of many seemingly impossible feats.....carry on wayward girl!.........Goof and Mike L

07-09-2007, 09:20 PM
Senegals here start at about $1800. You guys must really have a tough time walking away from that.

Yikes -- I feel bad. Sennies run about $400-600.00 USD >o

I can't tell you how many times I've walked away from pet store lovies. I could almost kick myself for walking away from an orange faced lutino that I saw at a Petsmart a year ago... It's such a pretty mutation. I left the store and went back a few days later, thinking that the beeb might still be there but I guess it wasn't meant to be...


07-10-2007, 01:11 PM
ok, well, listen to what i overcame- there is a bird supply store i go to in new york (there are suprisingly few for such a large city... ) its expensive but has everything, so i go in a pinch, or for fun, anyways, they sell a few types of birds, including senegals and last time i went they had two little beebs. omg, one was taking a nap and kept dozing off and the other was crazy to get my attention and kept whistling at me and cocking his head. omg. it was so painful to leave them. sigh... i also saw an adorable meyers at a really crappy pet store i'd never been to. he was doing gymnastics and again, trying to get my attention. it didn't help that there were ants in his cage and he was in the back corner all alone. i just wanted to rescue him. sigh... its a good thing i dont have room for another big cage in my little bird room. senegals and meyers are soooo cute when they're babies they're all pudgy looking with little beaks. sigh...

07-10-2007, 07:30 PM
Shy, have I missed you getting 2 more birdies. I thought you had 8.

Apparently there is a brain slip. Yup yup yup, I got ten. I got two pied orangefaces a few months ago. I finally introduced them into the aviary on Saturday and they are doing great. That was an endeavor that took about five months to achieve. It will be worth it to not have to clean out that other cage as well as the big one. Anyhoo, the oranges are the latest addition, and they are so close together that they could be twins.

Did you miss the tail removal story??? It was easy to tell them apart with one full tail and one bare to the bone rumpus. All has grown back now, but that little naked bum just made me want to kiss butt, so to speak.

07-10-2007, 09:22 PM
If its that hard for you come live in ky it took me about 2-3 weeks just to find one <and it was in a different town>

07-14-2007, 05:06 PM
I would love to have a Meyer. They are sooo adorable. I need to work on getting a singing partner for my lovie first, then, convince my parents that a Meyer would help me academically. :]