View Full Version : Stepping up and bathroom time

07-09-2007, 01:22 PM
Hello again! So Aurora and I have made some great progress - she's very inquisitive and seems to love it when I talk to her. She's picked up a certain whistle I do when we talk, which is just cute :)

We've also already gotten to finger taming - now tell me if I've been doing this right: She's used to my hands in the cage so she's not afraid of them. I began putting some of her favorite seed in my hand, and she would perch on the side of my palm while eating. A few days ago I took my finger, pressed up on her breast and said "up!" in a happy voice until she climbed on or tried to fly away - she's stepped up a few times, and when she does I make all kinds of mellow racket like "yay birdie! yay aurora! good bird bird!". I only do this once or twice at a time, but a few times a day. This is a good start, right?? 8)

Also, I've heard bathroom time is good for bonding. Now, I do tent time with my sugar gliders which I'm sure is similar, but how exactly do you bird-proof your bathroom? What all do I need to look out for? And what can be done to ease any stress if I need to get her back into her cage before she's ready?

Thanks, I look forward to seeing what you guys have to say!

07-09-2007, 02:50 PM
Yep, good start with the step-up command. She'll get eventually. Mine do it so often I don't even have to say "step-up", they just do it when I put my finger near them :)

but how exactly do you bird-proof your bathroom? Cover any mirror, close the toilet lid, use a dim light like a night-light

What all do I need to look out for? I would say the mirror is the biggest concern. You don't want her to fly into the mirror as she could hurt herself.

And what can be done to ease any stress if I need to get her back into her cage before she's ready?Just talk softly to her and no sudden movements to make her nervous. She will already be in a place she's unfamiliar with. I'd take some millet to reward her for good responses to your commands.

Good luck! :D

07-09-2007, 03:44 PM
I say, "HORRAY!" You are doing a great job and obviously have a little lovie who is willing to work with you! :D

My two were clipped when I started working with them in the bathroom and we sat on the floor together. I did not cover the mirror because they couldn't fly that high at the time. I did close the shower curtain and put the seat down on the john. :D

Truthfully, my younger two were easy to get back into the cage if *I* was the one putting them back in but if my sons (they are young adults, not young kids) were taking care of them when I was out of town, it sometimes took them an hour! :lol I told them repeatedly not to let them out if they were going to be in a hurry to leave cause sometimes lovies are on their schedule, not yours! ;) A couple of times one was late for work and the other for school cause they couldn't get Big Boi and Shy back in the cage! Oliver, on the other hand, is the perfect little lovie and always minds his care-givers when momma is gone.