View Full Version : Just in case...

07-10-2007, 03:16 PM
anyone misses me tonight - NOT ;) , I'm going to take a nap right after work and then I'll be at the movie theater to see Harry Potter at midnight. I'll let ya know if it's worth seeing later :D

And yes!, I'll be at Barnes & Noble next Friday night to get my copy of the last HP book. Already have it on order :happy: Now you can see why my two babies are named Harry & Ron (for those of you who know the characters).

07-10-2007, 04:24 PM
Ohhh, Kool Please dont tell me what happens I just started reading the books a while ago and I'm only on the 3rd 1.

07-10-2007, 04:51 PM
Yep, keep your opinion to yourself lady! :rofl: We'll be taking the kid to go see it this week also.

07-10-2007, 05:47 PM
Baby bro works in a bookstore so he's counting down the days for the final book as well... He used to dress up as a wizard for the midnight sale of the newest HP books.


07-10-2007, 06:15 PM
And yes!, I'll be at Barnes & Noble next Friday night to get my copy of the last HP book.

Jackie- I don't know how much truth there is to this, but I heard on the news that J. K. Rowling said that she would "never say never" about possibly continuing on with the series. So you never know, maybe she'll change her mind some day and we'll get more!

Have fun tonight! :)

07-10-2007, 06:39 PM
We are going Saturday to see it. A date night for us and our daughters. Hopefully the baby sleep through it..lol. I am looking forward to the movie then the book.


07-10-2007, 09:38 PM
Jackie I am JEALOUS!!!! I am going to see it on Thursday afternoon, I am dragging my Mom, who doesn't EVER go to movies!!!

My co-worker (another HP fan) thinks that in the last book, Harry will die. She told me that JKR said that there is NEVER going to be another HP book after #7....and this is the only way that can be!!

Guess we will see in the next week.....:cry:

Oh yeah, be careful in line waiting to buy the book because this is what happened when people were waiting for the last book: **WARNING:IF YOU HAVEN'T READ BOOK 6 OR DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENS AND ARE WAITING FOR THE 6TH MOVIE DO NOT WATCH THIS**

So mean...so wrong....bring ear plugs!!

07-10-2007, 10:02 PM
Oh my gosh, I miss you already.

Hope you have a fun evening. Don't worry about me here pining away from missing you. I shall be fine in a few days.

07-10-2007, 10:07 PM
Yep, keep your opinion to yourself lady! :rofl: We'll be taking the kid to go see it this week also.

MJ: They're supposed to be showing the movie in 3-d at the bridgeport imax theatre. It's a little pricey but a lot of fun. We saw Spiderman there.

I guess I'm the lone indifferent and uninterested party when it comes to Harry Potter:rolleyes: .

07-11-2007, 09:25 AM
Well, I'm back and at work after less than 3 hours of sleep, zzzzzzzz! Oh, sorry dozed off :D Anyway, I won't say what happens - read the book :lol , but the movie was good - could've been longer.

Susan, at my book store, when you pre-order and show up, they give you a ticket with a number and at midnight they call out groups of numbers. Then you can go get your book. They really check the tickets and everyone has always been really calm about getting their book. Last time they even gave me one of the boxes the books where delivered in and I keep collectables in it. My office is wall-to-wall HP. I guess it's our southern hospitality that keeps us from getting out of hand ;) JK Rowling did say once that if she wrote another book it would be something like an encyclopedia with all the info she couldn't put in the books and also one about Harry 10 yrs later. We'll just have to wait and see. I'm sure she wants to spend time raising her children since two of them are so young.

I'd love to see it at IMAX, but there's not one close to me. I figure I'll have the DVD in hand by December :p

07-11-2007, 09:26 AM
Oh my gosh, I miss you already.

Hope you have a fun evening. Don't worry about me here pining away from missing you. I shall be fine in a few days.Shy, don't fret over it too much :rofl:

07-11-2007, 10:12 AM
Jackie, I am glad you liked the movie....they could always be longer. Since the books have progressively gotten longer, they have cut out SO much of the book...but I guess that is to be expected. I would LOVE a 6 hour HP movie....that would be WONDERFUL!!!

I am going to get my Father to go to Costco on the 21st to get the book. I am not going out of the house, or watch tv, or go on the internet.....I am not obsessed....really!!

Last book, I read the whole thing in one sitting...I couldn't put it down.

Who would have thought adults would love these 'childrens' books....heehee.

07-11-2007, 12:50 PM
MJ: They're supposed to be showing the movie in 3-d at the bridgeport imax theatre. It's a little pricey but a lot of fun. We saw Batman there.

I guess I'm the lone indifferent and uninterested party when it comes to Harry Potter:rolleyes: .

Thanks for the tip Laura; we'll have to check that out.