View Full Version : Poem (sad, but true)

07-11-2007, 08:14 PM
I came accross this poem today and I just thought I would share it. I'm a sucker for poems, especially ones about birds or animals. Maybe if people saw things from their pet's perspective, they would make better decisions.

Anyway, here it is...

I Adopted Your Pet Today

I adopted your pet today...
The one you left at the pound;
The one you had for ten years
And no longer wanted around.

I adopted your pet today...
Did you know that he's lost weight?
Did you know he's scared and depressed
And seems to have lost all faith?

I adopted your pet today...
He had fleas and a little cold;
Guess you don't care what shape he's in
— You abandoned him I am told.

I adopted your pet today...
Were you having a baby or moving away?
Did you suddenly develop allergies,
Or was there NO reason he couldn't stay?

I adopted your pet today...
He doesn't play or even eat much;
I guess he's very sad inside and
It'll take time for him to trust.

I adopted your pet today...
And here he is going to stay;
He's found his FOREVER home
And a warm bed in which to lay.

I adopted your pet today...
And shall give him all that he will need
— Patience, love, and security,
So he can forget your selfish deed.

- Author Unknown

07-11-2007, 09:45 PM
A sad poem is remonstrate to the abandondment pets suffer every day at the hands of poeple who are so selfish. Thanks Christine, and to the unknown author for sharing it.............Michael and Goofy

07-12-2007, 09:36 AM
Christine -

Thanks for the poem. I was raised to take responsibilty for your choices INCLUDING buying a pet. However I'll admit when I got my lovie Cooper and she wasn't the sweet thing I'd hoped for I considered giving her up. I'm ashamed to say it but I considered it, luckily the people on this board convinced me to give it time.

She's still grumpy and a finger muncher, hehe but time gave me the opportunity to realize it wasn't her fault I didn't research the breeder properly. IIIII made the choice and it was my responisibilty to learn to love her as she is.. hehe grump and all!

Moral of the story, I have learned to love her as is. I shudder to think of how many homes she might have been passed through if I had given into my selfishness. I am greatful for the reminder though it never hurts to be reminded! I have a friend who has given away many a dog for impulsive reasons, she's a great person, but it breaks my heart everytime. Animals accept all our many imperfections and I feel we owe them the same. Beautifuly sad poem!

07-15-2007, 06:51 PM
Here's another one I thought I'd share:

A Cheap Bird's Plea

by Joyce Glass

What is it that my life is worth
how much will you pay
to what extent would you go
if I get ill today?

I know I'm not an expensive bird
my cost is fairly cheap
but what is the price you put on life
for something that you keep?

My wings still spread out the same
my heart still has a beat
why is it that my cousins
are the ones you hold so sweet?

I cannot help that I was born
with out the golden egg
will you still take care of me
or make me plead and beg?

I rely on you to help me
as I can't do it for my self
will you take the steps needed
or just put me on the shelf?

So when you walk by me
please look me in the eye
if it would come down to it
would I live or die?