View Full Version : Got Dirt?

07-12-2007, 12:15 AM
Hi Everyone,
Bubo and I had to be MIA for some time, but are glad to be back.:D
I have many potted plants on my porch and Bubo has a new habit of landing on the edge of them and eating dirt. He is especially fond of those little white pellets that accompany the potting soil. I have to discipline him every time, but as you all know, the stubbornness is quite prevalent. I do manage to get it out of his beak but sometimes I miss some of it and I’m sure he is swallowing it. :p
Have any of you experienced this before? Is the dirt too terribly bad for him? Could he be missing something in his diet that he finds in the dirt? Any feedback would be appreciated.

07-12-2007, 07:36 AM
My lovebird Sam used to do that. The problem with dirt or soil is it may contain insect eggs and sometimes fertilizers or other chemical and that is what concerns pet owners.

You could put some small rocks on top of the soil to prevent your lovebird to eat it. If you know that the dirt has no fertilizers or pesticide, you can cook the dirt in the microwave for 5 minutes. That will kill any eggs in there.

07-12-2007, 08:51 AM
my lovebirds love dirt too. they also love destroying plants. i didn't know about the eggs, so i'll start cooking my dirt. they sell organic dirt with no chemicals in it though, that is what i use.

07-23-2007, 06:17 PM
Thanks! Sorry it took so long to reply...we are moving :> I will try both methods. Bubo loves to destroy my plants as well.

07-25-2007, 12:04 PM
Hi everyone,
I had some questions about dirt as well...
Jack LOVES my bamboo plant. So much so that I've given it up to him. He spends so much time there, that I have to sit and monitor him constantly, so he doesn't go down and get the rocks (It's in little rocks and water) and drop them one by one to the table, giggling the whole time.
I'd like to repot it into dirt in case there's bacteria from the standing water under the rocks, but I recently potted some new plants and noticed how many little slivers I got in my hands. I know the soil I bought doesn't have chemicals, but do all potting soils have those little slivers? If he eats it, couldn't that cause major problems to his crop and digestive tract? What do I look for when buying the soil?
Thanks much!

07-25-2007, 12:16 PM
I always go with a 100% organic soil for indoors. They usually cost a little more, but they are worth every cent. Also, avoid the ones with the little styrofoam balls in it. Not good for the fiddies.

07-25-2007, 07:29 PM
Lola eats the little white pellets of vermiculite in the dirt, so I removed all the plants from her play gym, I'll try the rocks on top, sounds like you could get creative with the rocks, we live near the beach and river so there's many to choose from. With a good scrub first that is.