View Full Version : Avairy Questions

07-20-2007, 10:15 AM
Hoping for some advice before starting my small avairy flock, I currently have one orangeface unDNA'd and who's 9 months old, and a baby coming in September.
In total I'd like to have 4-6 lovies, we are in the process of building a bird room with future outdoor flights. I don't really want to start breeding so I thought I would DNA both ( I have the kits) and get the same sex, is that ok ?
I don't really want a whole bunch of nesty females so I'm hoping Lola's a male and I can have a bunch of males, but most signs point to female, constantly shredding and some stuffing. If she is female can I start with 2 females for now and get 2 males later, and house them seperately to avoid breeding?
All this hinges on their getting along with each other too, but any advice on all these questions would be great.:)
Plus how do you bring yourself to pull her little feathers for the DNA?:cry:

07-20-2007, 10:21 AM
When I DNA sex, I normally short cut a nail. Once you get the hang of how to do it without cutting too much, I, personally, find it easier.

If you breeding individual pairs instead of breeding in a colony, you can house the birds individually and pair them up when you know what you have. I breed for mutation and color so this works best for me. Occasionally I've had pairs that don't get along and I've had to switch mates but, on the whole, this has worked for me. The more you know in advance, the easier the transisition will be. Just make sure you have a plan in place and you will be able to find good homes for all babies produced.

07-20-2007, 11:30 AM
I don't really want to start breeding so I thought I would DNA both ( I have the kits) and get the same sex, is that ok ?

Plus how do you bring yourself to pull her little feathers for the DNA?:cry:

The same sex in a pair of males usually works well. Sometimes two hens get along caged together and sometimes they don't. A member here, Shy, has several females caged (in pairs) together and they do get along. I do have two male clutch mates caged together and while they no longer share a strong bond with each other, they do not fight and peacefully share the same cage at night and when I'm gone during the day. They used to sleep together in one cozy but in the last year, since their bond has become less strong, I give each one their own cozy at night. If I ever see a single toe bite, I will separate them but so far, they are fine together. Unfortunately they fell out of love with each other and fell in love with my older male. He likes both of them and they all three get along great out of their cages but I would never cage my older male with either one of them. He likes his own little bed-time cage just fine! :D

I've personally never plucked the feathers (my breeder did it before I bought my last two) but she told me she plucks at least 5 and usually 6 or 7 from each bird that she's having DNA'd.

07-20-2007, 11:42 AM
Thank's, So far I just want to avoid having babies, I don't think I could ever let them go. I'll try a toenail for DNA, it may distress her less than me plucking her and I have some experience with trimming them.
I keep saying "her" but who knows. Is she going to be to old to trust with the baby when the baby is around 6 months, ("she'll" be 16 months then)?

07-20-2007, 05:03 PM
Is she going to be to old to trust with the baby when the baby is around 6 months, ("she'll" be 16 months then)?

I'm sorry, I don't understand your question. :confused: Are you talking about a human baby? If that is the case I would doubt that a lovie would hurt a human baby when supervised. Unless you have a lovie that attacks people and in that case I would not want the lovie out and around the baby.

If you're talking about a lovie baby....I still don't understand the trust issue. :confused:

07-20-2007, 06:01 PM
I mean a Lovie baby, just concerned that Lola may be agressive towards it and not want to bond.

07-20-2007, 06:04 PM
Oh if it helps, she is friends with my budgies most of the time, just likes to be the boss, supervised at all times. Thanks for all the help, sorry if I wasn't clear on what kind of baby:blush: .