View Full Version : Lucky or Stupid?

07-20-2007, 01:29 PM
I got a new lovie a little while a go and Bella, for the most part seems to like her. The new lovie HATES me but I have faith in her. I let them listen to each other without seeing each other but after the first day they didn't talk so I just let Bella have free range of her room and she eventually went over to the new lovie's cage. They had some free time on my bed with some millet and toys ( I read in someone's post that she did that and it was a success, it seems it was for me too!!!!) Well now I am letting Bella and the new lovie have some free time and now they are exploring each others cages. Bella is more outspoken than the new lovie and maybe more dominant but she doesn't seem to mind the new lovie testing her food and eating her millet.
Anyways my question is am I being an idiot for letting them do this (with supervision) or is it ok for them to get used to each other this way because neither bird is acting aggressive?:confused:

07-20-2007, 05:08 PM
If you did a full 30 day quarantine and had the new bird checked by an avian vet as soon as you got it, I don't see any harm at all in them getting to know each other as long as your are right there to protect one if need be.

Every new lovebird coming into a home with an existing bird(s) always needs to be in full quarantine (separate cages and separate rooms) for a min. of 30 days but a visit to an avian vet for the new bird is also necessary to protect any other birds in the home before they are introduced or breath the same air space.