View Full Version : I wonder if some people are born without hearts....

07-20-2007, 09:07 PM
I teach English grammar classes at a nearby school, and today while coming home from classes, I saw this little brown doggie lying down in the street. He'd been hit by a car, and was struggling to get up. I had no idea what to do; see, here in Trinidad there is very little you can do about these things, and the authorities are very slow and reluctant to respond to animal cases. He seemed friendly enough, so I picked him up gently and placed him at the side of the school building, in the shade. Had he remained in the road, he would most certainly have been hit again, and killed. i asked around nearby if anyone had lost their dog, because he was wearing a collar, but i got mostly feeble, uncaring responses. I WISH i could have taken him home, but I don't have a car, and he was too big to carry. I gave him a drink of water, and made sure that the people nearby knew that he was there, and I prayed to God that his owners would come looking for him. You all are so lucky that you have relevant authorities to go to when these things happen. I look at animal cops on animal planet and i'm flabbergasted by the level of concern that they show for the animals. I came home and called my boyfriend and just cried, because I felt so helpless:cry: , I don't even have enough money to pay a vet to take care of him, i am totally penniless after recently buying a bunch of stuff for Ammy and neutering two of my dogs. Say a prayer for this dog for me please, because I know that God watches after even the littlest creatures. Humans are the cruelest of beings, someone hit that dog and gave it not the slightest amount of thought. I believe in my heart that we aren;t judged by how much money we make or our jobs or how we seem in life, we are judged by our hearts, and how we treat all living things, and the compassion that we show when no one is looking. I hope that one day in Trinidad things will be different, and I will definitely take any opportunity I can get to be part of that change.

07-20-2007, 09:49 PM
Hi Dani,
Kudos to you for the caring you show towards all living creatures, regardless of their situations! While we can't necessarily save all animals in need of help, we can set an example for others to follow and hope we can change/educate the world that way! In today's society, life seems to have lost its value somewhere along the line and it's so very sad to see those who pay the price for that loss.


07-20-2007, 11:10 PM
Dani. Its wonderful to witness animal cops in action on shows like animal planet. Realistically, if you drove across the U.S., they would be far and few. Funding for properly trained personnel is non existent in most cities and townships, and most ordinances within local governments in fact do little to enhance any priority police may have when an animal is found injured. Unless the APL, Animal protective league, or a private individual/s get notified or involved, the results can be very similar to your own experience you had with that poor dog. With the exception being they may get euthanized sooner. There are many caring poeple here, and many heroic stories about animals being saved.all the time. The sad part is, it only takes one so called puppy farm breeder to destroy the lives of so many beautiful animals. Or one uncaring neighbor who neglects their pet/s having them suffer, sometimes even more than the one you found in the street.

I have hope things will get better. Perhaps more poeple will learn just how important their pets are. And how much we've all taken for granted the animal kingdom that surrounds us. Although in some area's human exsistence is at a capacity below the survival rate of animals indigenous to where they live, education, I believe, may help them to prosper enough some day to share in the same understanding that we are able to share with each other. I will surely say a prayer for our dog that was left in the street.

I have to admit, Dani, although I pray for anything that lives, human or otherwise, and I send poeple prayers alot, I'm not a big religious fanatic. I've lost a little faith here and there, and well, you know, the war, poeple killing each other, aids and illnesses, crimes of passion, child abuse and abductions, its hard to figure out where everyone thinks their going to end up one of these days. I have to admit though too, Dani, through all the terrible things going on every day, it only takes one small heart warming story like yours or someone else's, to bring back that little bit of faith I lost along the way......Michael and Goofy's sleeping

07-21-2007, 09:57 AM
Dani, I am so sorry for the helplessness you feel, it's frustrating, but you did what you could, and it's more than most people would do.