View Full Version : Mango will come home Tuesday!

07-21-2007, 01:23 AM
Good news...Mango is doing better with the tube feeding. The vet feels that Mango is not suffering, but is not eating because of the way the medication makes him feel.

She said that if Mango were her bird, she would not give up quite yet, because she would be able to do what is required to help him. His case is difficult but with the extra support, he may still have a chance. I told her I would do whatever necessary, and asked if she would agree to show me how to tube feed him and supply me with the right materials. She agreed and we will be going Tuesday probably to bring him home.

I am so glad that she has not given up on him, as I really don't know how I could have brought myself to make that awful decision, yet I worry so much about what a hard time he is having.

I am going to stuff him silly! :lol (just kidding of course!)

07-21-2007, 01:31 AM
I am just so so glad you will be able to bring Mango home with you.
I have been watching this link and hoping - but knowing how much you have both gone through I must admit I was almost scared to look.
Give him and extra scritch from me and Sam.

07-21-2007, 11:07 AM
So Glad to hear about Mango, I've been checking for news on him and I am glad it's good news, we're sending him healing prayers from the Island, get well soon Mango :) .
Emily and Lola.

07-21-2007, 01:29 PM
I'm glad Mango will be able to come home soon. It's good you have a vet you can trust and is willing to work with you and Mango. It's also good to have a vet help you make those tough decisions regarding suffering and quality of life.

I hope all goes well with Mango's homecoming:)

07-21-2007, 06:00 PM
So glad to hear he'll be home soon, Traci! :) Keeping my fingers crossed for him and for you, too.

07-21-2007, 06:34 PM
You must be so relieved with the good news Traci! :) He is a fighter, and so is his fidma. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he is on the road to a peaceful, ongoing recovery. i'll look forward to hearing the update on tuesday!!!!

07-21-2007, 06:39 PM
I'm glad Mango's coming home, you've done so much for him over these last months, you're such a good fidma, I've been following Mango's case since you first posted about what you thought was cancer, and I'm so relieved to hear that Mango's still fighting hard to stay with you, as always, my thoughts are with you and Mango, as well as the rest of your family.

07-21-2007, 08:22 PM
Glad to hear Mango is feeling a bit better. Hopefully, being comfortable at home will help him get some of his energy back.

07-21-2007, 11:00 PM
I'm happy to hear that Mango is coming home. Your bond is pretty strong for the little guy to keep fighting to stay here a little longer.

Tube feeding is not easy with a chicken, can't imagine trying it with a smaller bird. I admire your willingness to do what is necessary to make Mango comfortable and well fed.

I'll be wtching for an update on how it goes Tuesday.

07-22-2007, 10:59 AM
Traci. Its wonderful your decision to continue with feeding him has turned out for the better. I'm sure its been a struggle to try to get a comfortable technique down to get food into him. Working with such small birds is always easier said than done. You have my best wishes that things go smoothly and Mango continues to improve to the point where maybe tube feeding will no longer be necessary. Scritches for Mango and hugs to you..........Michael and Goofy

07-23-2007, 02:47 AM
Oooh this is really great news :). I'm so glad I logged in today. It's great to hear Mango is coming back home and that your vet thinks he can pull through. Taking meds for such a long period can make anyone lose their apetite. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed the tube feeding isn't too problematic and that little Mango continues to fight the good fight.

Scritches to Mango!


07-24-2007, 08:02 PM
As the world turns...

The vet called last night and is not sending Mango home to me after all. He is not keeping his weight up and she has to try yet another medicine. I had been so hopeful, now I am just worried.

She wants me to call her on Friday and I guess will decide then if he is ready to come home.


07-25-2007, 02:58 AM
I'm sorry Traci :( . I'll keep my fingers crossed Friday brings better news.

:grouphug: Gloria

07-25-2007, 06:13 AM
Sorry to hear. Hopefully just a minor setback for Mango. Fingers and toes crossed hear too!.............Goofy and Michael

07-25-2007, 06:31 AM
Oh Traci, I have been sending good thoughts to you and Mango. I hope Friday is good news!

Buy A Paper Doll
07-25-2007, 08:14 PM
Sending (((hugs))) and good wishes your way, Traci!

07-27-2007, 06:01 PM
Still unable to come home. I am to call Sunday now.

Good news, however...he actually showed some interest in his food, a special cooked cereal mixture with some broccoli. This was the first time he has eaten since I took him to the vet. She is still tube feeding him.

For anyone in driving distance of Vancouver, BC, I really recommend Night Owl bird hospital. The vet really does care. She told me that she would not charge me past Tuesday but she was happy to keep him until she felt good about sending him home. Money is not the biggest issue for me but to have her tell me today that she is not interested in giving us a large bill, really makes me think she is definitely not in this business just for the money! I will have to bring her something special to thank her for all her help, without which I am sure we would have lost Mango months ago.

Will update again when I talk to her Sunday!

07-27-2007, 08:18 PM

I'm so pleased to read that Mango is showing more interest in food! I know that you are so worried about him... Please know that I have been keeping him in my thoughts.

Lots of ((((HUGS)))),


07-27-2007, 11:59 PM
Glad to hear the encouraging update.

Hang in there! We're all praying for you and Mango :)

07-29-2007, 09:24 PM
Hi Traci,

Just wondering how Mango is doing. Thinking of you both.

Take care. Kali

07-31-2007, 01:24 AM
Thanks everyone, for all your concern, positive thoughts and prayers. Not too many people really understand why I am fighting so hard for him. Really, they laugh and tell me to just get another bird!>:

On Sunday the vet was going to let Mango come home but she really wasn't happy about it, although she says he is stable now. So I told her we would do what she felt was best for him. She said to call Tuesday and she will try not to renege (sp?) on her promise...lol, I think she quite likes him and just does not want him to come home, as he is being monitored so carefully there. I really think that if we had given up on him or couldn't afford the vet bills that she would have taken him in herself. But of course we would never give up as long as he had a chance.

We miss him terribly, looking at his empty cage sitting there. Today I let Angel out and she lifted the door to Mango's cage and went and sat in there...looking confused, like she was wondering where in the world he has gone.

I will sure let you all know when he gets home, whenever that will be!

Boy, these last 7 months have been a roller coaster. I hope he gets better one day soon...

Buy A Paper Doll
07-31-2007, 07:12 AM
Traci, thanks for the update. I know you must be missing him terribly. I'm hoping he gets to come home soon! (((hugs)))

07-31-2007, 04:32 PM
Thats a very encouraging update Tracy. And about "just" getting another bird, like Mango, there is absolutely no replacing my Goofy lovebird regardless what were to happen to him. Parting with whatever is possible financially is no problem though, when it comes to their health and well being. Its nice to know your vet is giving you a break. Give him/her a few scritches and some beak rubs....:) .....well maybe a hug instead. Of course if they have to keep him much longer you may have make out a lease agreement..........Hugs and prayers.........Michael and Goofy

08-01-2007, 12:51 AM
Sad news...Mango just is not tolerating any of the medications. The vet stopped his meds yesterday, hoping he would start eating again, but no luck. She does not feel it is fair to continue to medicate him when it makes him feel so sick. There really is no more hope for him; he cannot take the medication, yet without it, the disease will kill him. There is no way we can go on like this for the remaining 12 months it will likely take for the disease to succumb to the antibiotics. The vet does not believe Mango will last that long, nor is it fair to him.

He is a better weight, though, than when we brought him in two weeks ago. He went crazy when he heard our voices, and started calling out. Then he went right down my daughter's shirt, poked his little head out and settled down for a nap. The vet said we should take him home where he is happiest and spoil him until it is time. We will make his last days as comfy and happy as possible, and then do the right thing when it comes time. The vet figures it will be just a couple of days.

I cannot but hope that he will start eating and that we will have longer with him, though I am trying to resign myself to the inevitable.

08-01-2007, 07:03 AM
Traci, I am sorry. ((((HUGS))))

08-01-2007, 08:45 AM
Hi Tracy,

I am new to this Forum but I feel your pain. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time, and I hope Mango takes a turn for the better.

Kisses on his little birdy head,

08-01-2007, 11:36 AM
(((((((((((Traci & family))))))))))))

While it's sad news, Tango will be happiest at home for as long as possible, where he is loved and adored.

08-01-2007, 01:13 PM
I am so sorry your going through this. Mango is a lucky guy to have a mommy who loves him so much.


08-01-2007, 01:41 PM
Its difficult to come up with words of comfort when there seems such little hope. Sharing what may become a sad event is still a very special moment in time, appreciated by others who carry the same love and commitment. I hope by sharing whichever way life turns out it lessens the pain and adds to the comfort, knowing others are nearby who understand. As always, hugs and prayers for Mango and his family...............Michael and his Goofy lovebird

08-01-2007, 01:45 PM
i am so sorry to hear the sad news. my heart goes out to you traci. i know that you will treasure whatever time you and mango have left - by taking him home, you will be of comfort to each other. my thoughts are with you.

08-01-2007, 04:42 PM
Oh, Traci... I know this isn't the update that you had hoped to share with us :( My heart truly goes out to sweet Mango. Take time to create more wonderful memories with that sweet little bird.

Many ((((HUGS)))) and kind thoughts your way.

08-01-2007, 05:31 PM
Traci I am so sorry to hear Mango's progress isn't going well. Mango will be happier at home with his family. My thoughts are still with you, Mango and your family. (((hugs)))

08-01-2007, 05:53 PM
Boy, this is the tough part of having pets. My heart goes out to you and that precious little one. Hugs all around!!


08-02-2007, 12:17 AM
(((Tracy))) I'm sorry to hear that (((Mango))) hasn't done as well as hoped. He has been such a trooper for so long -- he is truly a special bird to many of us. Give him scritches from me and my flock. I'll check back on this thread before the weekend. Meanwhile, I'll have the two of you in my prayers.

08-02-2007, 03:31 AM
I'm also very sorry about Mango :(. I'm sure he's happy at the moment though, back with you who have fought for him so much and with his flock. I'm still hoping he'll regain his appetite and get stronger and better.

((((((Traci, Mango)))))

08-02-2007, 08:58 AM
(((((Traci, Mango, and Family)))))

It's so hard to know what is best for them. I pray for your comfort and peace whenever the time comes for Mango to pass on to the Rainbow Bridge. It's the one thing that's inevitable for us all.


08-02-2007, 09:54 AM
(((((Traci & Mango)))))

I am so sorry to hear about Mango. I can't imgaine how difficult it's been making the decisions you've had to make. My thoughts & prayers are with you. I'm sure Mango is much happier being at home with those he loves. Hugs & millet kisses to Mango :grouphug1

08-02-2007, 04:44 PM
Traci: I am so sorry to hear about Mango. I know there are no words to comfort you and your family during this tough time, but you and your family have really done all that could be done. I hope your remaining time with Mango is wonderful and memorable and he's at home where he belongs.

:cry: :cry:

08-02-2007, 05:11 PM
My sentiments follow everyone else's, for you and Mango, and your entire family and flock. It's hard to know when a pet is ready to move on. Somehow you'll know the right time for Mango.
Give him skritches and millet for me and our flock and tell him he's a good birdie.
With prayer,