View Full Version : Refuses to take a bath!

07-24-2007, 12:54 PM
My two baby lovebirds (about 4 months old) used to take baths every 3-4 days. They loved it! And I loved watching them. We're now going on day 12 and they are not the least bit interested, in fact they seem scared of the water dish. I have them in a large cage with stainless steel food dishes. Every couple of days I would take one of the larger bowls and put water in it for them. Within seconds they would be splashing around, diving in and having a great time. Now, when I give them the bowl of water, they cautiously approach it and occasionally take a little sip - but hurry away and certainly no bath. I have no idea what may have spooked them regarding their bowl. Do I keep offering it like always and they will eventually figure out that it isn't the big scary monster they think it is?? Or do you have other ideas?


07-24-2007, 06:47 PM
Don't know if this will help but when my dog was a puppy she was scared to death of shiny things like s/s bowls. She'd run away and cower if she forgot and ate something from a shiny bowl.

With her I think it was because of where I got her; the "breeder" (term used losely) had her in a little barn thing (5 x 6 or so, half of which was a "viewing" area). Anyways this guy had sort of like trays, about 2.5 or 3 inches deep and about 24 x 12 or so that he put the food in (and that was more full of wood shavings than food) and a shallow black plastic bucket he had water in for the pups. The tray thing was s/s and the guy who had her was not very nice as it turned out.

She was scared of s/s until around 5 or 6 years old and then one day she was fine with s/s. I have no idea what the change was (I had kept trying s/s with her with all her favorite things in itbut she'd run away up until she was alright with it), but now she will eat AND drink out of s/s (but I think I've seen her with her eyes closed while drinking).

While she was scared of s/s I was using glass dishes for her but I always worry about them chipping or breaking. Maybe try glass or plastic dishes for their water. Worth trying.

07-24-2007, 10:53 PM
Is it any big deal if they don't bathe? Any problems with that?

07-24-2007, 11:52 PM
Bathing helps remove dust, extra oils and dander. Helps the little buggers smell better too :roll: Jack will only bathe in the sink. Used to be only in my hands (in the sink) but now he'll yell at me every time the water is running to let him come over. He runs down my arm to play in the trickling water, and if theres a bowl or saucer there, boy does he love to roll around in it. I just make extra sure he doesn't try to drink the water off the actual sink or anywhere near the drain where there may be bacteria.

07-25-2007, 12:50 PM
Jayne, chances are, the little stinkers (no pun intended) are bathing, in their water dish, when you aren't looking.

Have you tried misting them? I know some of mine like to get a bit misted first, then go crazy bathing.

07-25-2007, 12:54 PM
also with misting them they kinda don't have much choice but to get at least a little damp if by doing nothing else but running away from the water.

07-26-2007, 11:53 AM
I'll try misting them and see what happens. I'll be a bit sad if they have switched from diving into their water dish to just misting - just love those soaking wet birdies!! But these little guys have minds of their own, that's for sure!

Thanks for the suggestions!

07-26-2007, 12:02 PM
Jack is mad at me. It's been a couple of days and he for some reason hasn't wanted to bathe either. He's a little ripe so I just got done washing him, then I wrapped him up like when he was a baby. He wouldn't look at me for a few minutes, but just now he gave me birdy kisses, so I know all is forgiven :happy: