View Full Version : Narcissus the lovie

07-24-2007, 02:31 PM
Fenway has grown back 4 of her flight feathers, the outermost two on either side. Once again, she is flying about and seems to really be enjoying it.

There's one small problem...she instantly flies to perch atop a coat rack that has a big mirror next to it. (In fact, she is pictured admiring herself in it above) I am afraid she is becoming obsessed with that bird in the mirror! She stands up tall, flaps her wings, and calls out to her reflection. She tries to rub beaks with it.... Non-stop.

I am starting to worry that she is going to develop psychological issues because of this. :confused: Has anyone had their lovebird fall in love with its own reflection? Is it even possible? Do I have to take the whole coatrack down or cover the mirror up? I keep feeling guilty because she seems to want to have that friend of hers in the mirror talk back but it never happens. Can birds get lonely wanting a friend?:confused: I don't want Fenway to be a lonely bird. Am I just an overprotective new to birds mom who is losing my mind?

07-24-2007, 07:28 PM
I did share the bathroom mirror with my lovie at first. He gave himself kisses which were very cute. I no longer let him frequent the bathroom, not the cleanest place for a lovebird, and the mirror is off limits. I understand there can be some unnecessary stress involved with letting them have mirrors. Probably not related to self love. I believe birds do get lonely by themselves. Or if their rejected by others nearby. Unfortunately I don't think mirrors do anything to help the situation. Hopefully someone can give you a more definitive answer. Take care .....Michael N' Goofy

07-25-2007, 08:27 AM
I've read here and in books that lovebirds (especially a single bird) can and will fall in love with their mirror image. Sounds like this is what's going on with Fenway so *I* would cover that mirror, or move it.

I have a large mirror in my kitchen that is an old window frame that my nephew added a mirror to and all three of mine love to fly to that mirror and perch on the wood frames. BUT, I have three and while they do look at themselves in the mirror and chat at their reflections sometimes, they also look at the reflection of each other. They seem to know which lovie is for real and which is only a reflection and they are in no way obsessive about the mirror. If they were, I'd take it down.

07-25-2007, 08:35 AM
Pix likes to sit and look at himself (and dance, and show off, and be macho and and and). He just likes to look, flirt etc then he goes back to Serenity and usually preens her or 'feeds' her.

07-25-2007, 12:56 PM
hehe, maybe she was just making herself birdyful for him :D

07-25-2007, 01:35 PM
Ok, it seems from everybody's comments that it is probably in Fenway's best interest if I cover the mirror when she's out and about.

I must admit it is cute to see her trying to intimidate (or is it attract?) that lovely bird she has become so fond of! :happy:

The last thing I want is for her to become lonely, as I am so new to being owned by a lovie that I know I'm not ready for a pair! :rofl: :rofl:

07-25-2007, 05:01 PM
I can say, from experience, that its not a good idea to have a mirror anywhere near a lovebird.

Having had budgies in the past, I figured it was "ok" to put a birdie mirror in the cage, since I just have one lovie, Baby. Boy, was that a mistake. :omg: Thank God I found this community! Let me tell you what happened.....

Baby fell in love with her reflection to the point that she was trying to gack at the other birdie not realizing it was merely a reflection. As a result, she was not bonding with me or anyone else but that "other birdie" and she also lost a few grams due to the one-sided gacking...she was upset at first when I removed the mirror, but she got over it, she's gained weight, she's healthy (clean bill of health from the vet) and she's the most affectionate bird I've ever had. Just spend some extra quality time with your lovie once you take away the mirror (or cover it) and it will get over it.