View Full Version : knee, not good news.

07-24-2007, 02:34 PM
Hi all, sorry not been about, but Knee as been getting worse and worse over the last few months. (its not been really right since op.)
Went up to the doctors this morning, am being referred back to the hospital, to find out what is going on.
Its also in hands of a solicitor for possibly medical negligance, which spans back 5 years for the patients who had surgery done by the surgeons who did my knee.
Last week, i was very ill with knee didnt go out at all and decided to go up to see docs today..

Update on all the Lovies, Baldilocks is now 1 beautiful looking fid. she is in with legs now. Glad and arwen, now in mating mode, 1 laid an egg yesterday, dont know who tho. Sadly Miss lemon and Poirot are no longer together, i have tried to put them back, but He straight away mates her. So what i have done is to section off their cage so she is in 1 section and he is in other section, i did have them in seperate cages but Poriot got so upset, only waya round it was to section of cage. they both happy now.
I do have a problem with Sage my Mask at mo, he is very raggy looking , feathers missing on wings and legs, have checked for mites none, also see if honey been biting, she as not, so to me looks like its could be a hormonal thing. its only happened last few days. if no better he will be whipped up to the vet.
But al in all all birds cats and crabs ok.
will try to take photos of baldilocks when i feel up to it.
take care all.
cassy. xx

07-26-2007, 03:55 PM
Cassy, I'm so sorry that the knee is giving you such problems and hope you can get relief soon. Thanks for the update on your flock. :)

07-30-2007, 07:55 AM
So sorry to hear you are having ongoing problems with the knee. Hope they can sort it soon.

07-30-2007, 07:04 PM

So sorry about the knee :( I do hope that you can find some sort of relief! Best wishes with the fids -- I'm sorry to hear about Sage!