View Full Version : Why are dogs so GROSS?

Buy A Paper Doll
07-24-2007, 08:03 PM
:x :x :x What IS it with rolling in decomposing things and/or poop?! :x :x :x

You would think the dog would have figured out by now, "roll in something gross" = "bath in the driveway," but nooooooooooo. Today was the second time in less than a week.

Hubby walked all over our property as well as our neighbors' and cannot find the source of the vile substance. And yet it takes the dog less than 2 minutes to find and roll in it.

The worst part is, even after a good bath we can still smell it on her. GROSS. :x

07-24-2007, 08:20 PM
from my understanding, but i wouldn't bet my life on it, dogs do that because its an old instinct, it allows them to cover their smell so predators wont detect them coming. i have a city dog, who doesn't have the opportunity to roll in rotting flesh/crap, but whenever we go to michigan to visit my family, he needs a bath pretty much every day. i feel your pain.

07-24-2007, 08:46 PM
Indeed, why are dogs so gross? :x Jennifer.. the bath never quite removes the smell, unfortunately :( even when you lather them up zillions of times...
i have five dogs, and they are all varying degrees of crazy. My poppa dog is desperately in love with the momma, who doesnt feel like being followed and fawned over all day. He'll even eat her poop sometimes :x when she's ignoring him. Their offspring are somewhat insane, the little boy eats ANYTHING from plastic toys to mangoes to wooden objects to lizards... and the girl hides from people about 95% of the time. I have another little rescue doggie who stands just a few inches tall, but she attacks anything and everything. They have the grossest habits ever, I've seen them eat each other's poop, rotting mangoes that fall from the tree, leaves, branches, insects etc, and they are all always covered in bugs from rolling in the grass and god knows what else.
This psycho dog behaviour is baffling to me, my previous dog died recently at 16yrs old, and she was the model of good behaviour... now i need the dog whisperer or something...

07-24-2007, 09:13 PM
Well Paper Doll, I share your pain. I have 3 dogs and love on a farm with cows, sheep a horse and plenty of vile things to role in. I'll never figure out why I spend good money on premium natural dog food when they'll eat poop..

07-24-2007, 10:23 PM
Well Paper Doll, I share your pain. I have 3 dogs and love on a farm with cows, sheep a horse and plenty of vile things to role in. I'll never figure out why I spend good money on premium natural dog food when they'll eat poop..

We have cows too and just last week our dog deceided to go for a roll in the poo. Have you ever seen a black/white/green dog:x . And he looked so pleased with himself:confused:


07-25-2007, 09:50 AM
We have cows too and just last week our dog deceided to go for a roll in the poo. Have you ever seen a black/white/green dog:x . And he looked so pleased with himself:confused:


My Dogs get something we call the GREEN GRIN:D , you can use your imagination!:x

Buy A Paper Doll
07-25-2007, 08:09 PM
I, too, wonder why I'm paying out the nose for diet dog food from the vet's office when she's, uh, supplementing her diet with poop, hard beetles, and lizards...