View Full Version : weird question about stepping up

07-26-2007, 04:17 PM
I think I may have figured out why Baby was'nt wanting to step up onto my finger, but I may be wrong. If anyone out there has had a simliar experience I'd like to know. So here's the deal-

I'm left handed, and so I've been approaching her with my left index finger. Well today out of the blue while playing with her, and I don't know how I did this, but Baby found my right index finger extended to her and she stepped right up. So we tried again. She stepped up again. Another time. She stepped up.

Do parrots have a right/left preference for the finger they will perch on? Has anyone else experienced this? I have a feeling that her initial training at the breeders may have been with someone who is right handed.

Thanks in advance for any feedback you may have!:)

07-26-2007, 05:30 PM
Donna, the only thing I can think might sway her to right handed stepping up is a ring, watch or jewelry she doesn't care for on the left hand.

Those in my crew that will step up, will do so on either right or left.

07-26-2007, 06:04 PM
Of all my birds, I do have one that has some sort of weird left/right preference. It doesn't concern my hands, but his feet. He'll only step up left foot first. He's so picky about it, too, that if he's say, hanging on the side of his cage and I want him to step onto my hand, I have to put my hand up to his left side. If I put my hand up to his right, he won't step up because he HAS to step with his left foot first.

07-26-2007, 08:12 PM
well, parrots are one of the only other species besides humans that exhibit 'handedness', which i find very interesting, but probably has no meaning for this question...
however, my senegal will only perch on the left side of my shoulder, sometimes he wont even step onto the right side of my shoulder, but if he does, like a little magnet he walks over to the left.

07-26-2007, 08:27 PM
thanks for the feedback!

Well I don't wear any jewelry on either hand, and I'm not sure that would sway her either, as I have to remove all necklaces and earrings when I'm spending time with her 'cuz she just LOVES all those pretty and shiny things!

Tried again with the left hand. No go. Then with the right. She steps up. Guess she just has a preference. :whistle: