View Full Version : Sex & Stepping Up

07-26-2007, 08:38 PM
So I've had Jasper for a while now, about a month, and we've made some progress but I don't get to spend enough time with him. He will let me go closer to the cage now and doesn't freak out when I put my hands in the cage to clean it and give him food, but I've noticed that he's ripping up all the paper on the bottom of the cage everytime I put new stuff in. Does this mean something that I'm missing? And he still wont let me near him enough to try and teach him to step up, and when he gets out he just flies around and tries to hide from me. Any help would be great!!!!

07-26-2007, 09:08 PM
I have two cages, one with my lovies and one with my budgie. Within an hour of cleaning the cages (putting the lovies tray back in second I'll add) the lovies have shredded paper and the budgies paper is perfect. I have both genders and both like to chew the paper up equally (mind you they 'do' have their nest box still). I think it's like a sport or something. Bonnie my budgie, she barely touches it unless shes got an egg (all duds) and then at most she will rip up the corner, drop her egg and thats it.

Give him more time. One month is not very long time to adjust for some birds (or people) so just keep working with him. Training will come, just be respectfully persistent.