View Full Version : A little help please...

07-28-2007, 10:27 AM
I was just wondering if there is anywhere on the internet available that I can find out what all the information means on my lovebirds band. And the exact breeder and age of my bird.

07-28-2007, 10:41 AM
You had posted this same question a couple of weeks ago and I just checked that thread. The following link should lead you to a sight where you can get the information you need: http://www.aacc.ca/rings.htm

In your case, AAC indicates that your leg band is registered in Canada. 06 is the year of hatch, and the 4 digits are the number of the band, itself. MA should be the breeder's band code.

07-28-2007, 10:52 AM
Thank-you. I know I posted about what it meant but I couldn't find the thread, and I wasn't sure if the website was posted. I still am figuring out how to navigate my way around here. Sorry

07-28-2007, 11:16 AM
Hey, not a problem. The AAC website link was not posted but I know what that code means. There's a link to the site in our Resource Library.

We try to be very patient here and help as much as possible. All of us, including me, was a novice at one time. Bless the breeder that took me under her wing and taught me what I needed to know! You can trust that I had just as many questions!!!

07-28-2007, 11:24 AM
Thank-you. I know I posted about what it meant but I couldn't find the thread, and I wasn't sure if the website was posted. I still am figuring out how to navigate my way around here. Sorry

HA! I'm still learning my way around the forum! :D Kasey, if you'll click on your own name and then go to "view user profile" it will let you check all previous threads started by you or threads that you've replied to. One of my favorite features of this forum is the "search" and I didn't know what that was all about till I called Jackie (Butterfly) and asked her how in the world she was able to pull up information that was months old! :lol I just put "leg bands" in the search area and came up with these threads: http://www.lovebirdsplus.com/community/search.php?searchid=71497 Yep, that search feature has really helped me since my memory seems to be fading! :D

07-28-2007, 08:53 PM
OK, so I looked over the link and I couldn't quite figure out what Tango'd band means, but now I'm curious, so maybe linda or someone could help me out, since Tango was a petstore bird and I truly haver no idea where he came from

His band reads

BBK ONT (these letters run perpendicular to the band, I'm guessing it means he was ontario bred) 33

so it goes BBK ONT 33, it's a goldish coloured band.

Thanks Guys!

07-28-2007, 09:14 PM
Hi Jenna,
Tango is not wearing a band that was issued by AAC. Unfortunately, I don't know Canadian bands well enough to be able to tell you where this one might have come from.

BBK is the breeder's code.
ONT is for Ontario, where he was raised.
33 is the number of the band he's wearing.
His band does not include hatch yr.