View Full Version : Hard time walking???

07-29-2007, 09:24 PM
I've noticed that Skittles, when she walks, sort of ... waddles.... and then she stops as if its hard to walk for her.

When I pick her up, she just lies there, where as Kirby instantly grabs onto your finger. Same with a perch, she's always squatting down on it, and with Kirby he's perched more upright

At the place she was at before, she was constantly in this cube, never really trucking around her cage, only to eat.

Is it possible that she might have weak legs due to the lack of walking?
Or might it be an early sign of arthritis considering she's around 10 - 12?

Ive been making her walk a little more to see if it'll improve a bit. And also giving her a variety of different texture perches to sit on too...

.... maybe she's just fat?

07-29-2007, 10:29 PM
Hmm...I'm not too sure what to say about Kirby...
I wonder if it's a balance thing as she's gotten older? Could she have suffered a stroke - are you seeing any other signs ? Vision perhaps?
I would be mentioning this to my vet just to be on the safe side...monitoring her weight could help you get more of an idea what's going on with her.

Just my thoughts....


07-29-2007, 10:30 PM
Either way walking, without pushing her, is probably beneficial. Just my thought. Hope everything turns out alright and someone no doubt with soem advise will be by sooner than later. ((((Kirby))))

07-29-2007, 11:07 PM
You may want to check with your avian veterinarian. It's possible that there's medication to help her, depending on the problem. She could have a touch of arthritis or there could be another problem.

07-30-2007, 09:44 AM
She doesn't seem to be in pain... it's funny because she waddles...

yet she will climb all over me and Chris, but when she's on her perch, she usually stays in the same spot (it might still be due to unsureness of me and Kirby)

But I'll question her walking when we go to the vets

07-30-2007, 11:35 AM
*jokes* maybe shes part duck? *jokes*