View Full Version : Peepers: Hates me or is Strange?

07-30-2007, 10:20 AM
Whenever I talk to Peepers she will come up to the bars and would rip my finger, or any bare skin off if given half the chance. That's fine, Kiko's like that too.

After a few seconds though, she will either jump into her cozy tent and bite the sides and bottom very fast and many times. Or she will grab this one toy and bang it against her head really fast...makes the bell jiggle.

I tell people she hates me, that's why she does this. Is she just strange, or am I telling people the truth?

She will also gets angry when I give kisses and scritches to Chicken, her next cage neighbor.

She was Chicken's cage mate, before they were separated. Oh, and she's a moody hormonal hen!

07-30-2007, 11:32 AM
All hens are moody and hormonal and more often than not cage aggressive - gawd knows Serenity is. I doubt she hates you, shes just a freaky female.

07-30-2007, 11:42 AM
prolly hates you.

07-30-2007, 11:45 AM
just kidding, I joke that my three all hate me, cause they for some reason wont let me snuggle them to death. One of mine does the crazy attack toys to make bells jingle too (a hen, of course) but she does this when i'm not in the room too. Also, the one lovebird I had that loved me back did the attack the cozy thing (a boy though). man I would give anything to get inside those little feather heads.

07-30-2007, 12:46 PM

My Olivia does this, but only in "her" kitchen cabinet. I take it as a nesty/territorial gesture. Like when she "rubs" her beak up and down the wall of the cabinet marking her territory. If she could get hold of your, she'd bite for blood and not think twice about it. After a few minutes, she calms down. Now, if I put my finger through the bars of the cage, she'll bite. My other birds do not. Just rack it up to one VERY nesty, nasty hen. God love 'em :lol

Oh, I forgot - she did this on my arm about 2 weeks ago and I still have the bruise where she took a chunk out of me to prove it :omg:

07-30-2007, 01:27 PM
Like when she "rubs" her beak up and down the wall of the cabinet marking her territory.

OH, that's what that is....I see my birds doing that sometimes....I don't remember which one's exactly...what am I talking about, I only have 2 out of 10 males...so it was DEFINITLY one of those hens!!

Yep, had a few bruises, some blood, and a few hen scars!! But I love them!!

07-30-2007, 01:56 PM
That's what I was told it was and I believe it. If one of the other birds gets in "her" part of the cabinet while she's doing this (except Daise her mate), she will chase and bite them everytime. Sometimes I tease her (I know I shouldn't :rolleyes: ) and run my finger nail against the side of "her" cabinet. She gets puffy and follows the motion with her head (bobs up & down) and then she goes over and rubs her beak on it again to show me it's hers. It's too funny, but I do think it's territorial behavior.

07-31-2007, 08:01 AM
Susan: It sounds as if Peepers just doesn't want you anywhere near her cage and is letting you know. I would get her out of sight of the cage and then see how she interacts with you.....I don't currently have much of a problem ****knock on wood***with this as my hens are not nesty nor are they fighting over some dark hole, but when they do they demonstrate a lot of the behaviors that Peeper's is.

Buy A Paper Doll
07-31-2007, 07:34 PM
She doesn't hate you, she's just reeeeeallly protective of her cozy and her toy! :lol

This thread taught me something new, I didn't realize that the beak rubbing was a way to mark their territory. I guess this means I'm Milo's territory because he'll stand on my shoulder and rub his beak up and down on my cheek. He does it to hubby too.

08-05-2007, 02:54 PM

I take it as a nesty/territorial gesture. Like when she "rubs" her beak up and down the wall of the cabinet marking her territory.

Is that what that means?! I thought it was Cooper being cute, nope she owns Everything in our house! The couch, my sweater, the coffee table (doing this on the coffee table causes her to slide across it, must get a video of it!), etc.