View Full Version : Won't stop trying to nest

08-05-2007, 09:22 PM
Daisy and Clover (<-who I'm sure is a female) won't stop trying to nest. They keep pushing their toys into a corner and try gather bits from their rope perches.

They chewed up a wooden ladder strung together. Right now I have a cotton rope and manila rope perches and they can't seem to get large enough portions of that off. Infact, I haven't noticed any fluff from that even though they're trying. They also try with wood.

I keep moving things around in their cage so that there's nothing creating a enclosed little corner but I always find their toys pushed around as a wall. Even big, heavier toys.

This is just in their "little" (not really little but I call it that b/c it's smaller than their new ones) cage. Daisy and Clover alternatively use the small one while the other is taking her/his turn in the big one.

This problem should all go away when I get the other big one set up but right now it's not a great situation.

I don't want egg laying if I can help it, I don't like the moodiness and I'm not interested in breeding. I also don't want Clover stressed with this because she's prone to plucking.

They have hammocks in the tops of their cages which they sleep in and I've found that they don't nest in :). But the cage floor nesting is a problem during the day.

Buy A Paper Doll
08-06-2007, 08:39 PM
I would go ahead and pull the hammocks during the day. Even though they're not nesting in them, maybe they're getting ideas? One thing's for certain, it's hard to deter them!

I feel your pain; I have a hen whose sole purpose in life is to shred and tuck anything she can find, including a toy made of wooden clothespins. *sigh*

08-06-2007, 10:00 PM
He** hath no fury like a nesty hen is too perfect. :lol