View Full Version : Name

08-06-2007, 09:31 AM
Do you all have any ideas for my loveys name i dont think skittles fits it. Its picture is my avatar.:confused: :confused: :confused:

08-06-2007, 12:06 PM
No, he doesn't look like a Skittles to me either.

It is hard to name a birdie, that's for sure. My two newest birdies were nameless for months. Mine are all named after Greek Mythology, so sometimes if you can find a subject like that, it is easy to come up with names for the expanding flock.

08-06-2007, 02:00 PM
ok thanks ill try that

Buy A Paper Doll
08-06-2007, 09:09 PM
Well ... are there any other candies that you like? Snickers, SweetTart, etc.

You could also do a search on various name websites.There are several baby name websites where you can pull up names by country of origin or meaning. Just for a couple of examples, you could pull up names that have meanings to match his personality or coloring. Or you could look up names for a country that maybe your ancestors are from or even a country that interests you.

Like Shy said, sometimes it takes time to get the right name. If I had known when I got Milo, that his breath always smells like corn chips, I might have named him Frito. But it was months before he'd get close enough for me to smell his breath!

08-06-2007, 09:17 PM
Sometimes you just get a "vibe" from the bird if you know what I mean, or something about how he/she looks strikes you. When I got my slate masked, I thought his black, gray and white colours looked like some sort of Japanese pen- and ink art piece, which led me to remember an animated movie I saw with a dragon named Haku, so one thing led to another and he became Haku!! :D When I got my Amazon though, I just took one look at her and thought, i think i'll name her Evie:D. With my macaw, his blue and gold colours remind me of the bright sunny sky, so I named him after a game character called Amaterasu, who was the sun god. He's Ammy for short. As Jennifer mentioned, the name sites always help, and then you add to it your own 'feeling' about the birdie in question.

08-07-2007, 01:14 PM
Why does Milo smell like corn chips??

08-07-2007, 04:25 PM
I have no clue. Yeah but why? But still anyone hav any name ideas im still searching

Buy A Paper Doll
08-07-2007, 06:52 PM
Why does Milo smell like corn chips??

I have never, ever been able to figure that out. Even a vet made a comment on it once. He's never even tasted a corn chip...

08-07-2007, 07:54 PM
I have never, ever been able to figure that out. Even a vet made a comment on it once. He's never even tasted a corn chip...

Maybe he's part ferret or tenrec... They sorta smell like corn chips :p

I don't think that I've noticed an odor to Beetle one way or the other! I guess he just smells like dry feathers or wet feathers, depending on when I'm chillin' with the little fellow ;)

Autumn -- do you have a bigger photo of your lovie that you can share? Maybe that would help with the naming... Beetle's name just came to me when we were driving home from the breeder's. Back when I was thinking of getting a small parrot I was considering parrotlets. I thought that I'd name a green one Sprout or call a yellow one Niblet. Well, I fell head-over-heels for lovies and had NO idea what I'd name Beetle, although I was thinking of Sprout as well. So I'm driving home in the dark, he's chattering away and I just starting rambling: "Oh, you're such a pretty bird. Such a shiny, pretty bird. A beautiful, shiny, pretty, beetle bird..." For whatever reason, Beetle just popped in my head and stuck. I think it's a pretty cute name ;) One of my co-workers thinks his name is Beedle, though :/

Anyhoo, chances are a name will just come to you. Think of things that bird likes to eat or do. I dunno... Nibbles, maybe? Sherbert, b/c your lovie looks like a scoop of sherbert?

Best of luck,


08-08-2007, 03:56 AM
I'm horrible with names. Yesterday, I was freshly reminded of my shortcomings because Chris and I went to the first and newly opened Ben & Jerry's ice cream stand in our city. And whoa, the names they have for the flavours :omg: ! Chunky Monkey for banana with fudge and nuts, Vermonty python for maple syrup with huge walnuts, Cherry Garcia for cherry and fudge, Phish food for chocolate, marshmallows, and chocolate fish etc, etc. I thought the names were as dazzling as the ice cream was yummy.

This is probably not helping you at all, huh? I had been thinking about naming one of my parrots after Freddy Mercury, one of my favourite singers. Other names I've considered are Spike (a la Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Gadget or Chester, Theodore after one of the Chipmunks, Norbert after the dragon in Harry Potter, Pippo, a suggestion from my three year old niece which I thought was really cute, but then she used it for her own pet, Nemi after a swedish comic strip character, and Neko for Neko Case, a singer. As you see, I tend to assume birds are male, although Pippo, Nemi and Neko are actually girl names.

Hope this hodgepodge helps a little >o !


08-08-2007, 08:05 AM
Sometimes you take one look at a lovie and know the right name....that was the case with Oliver who had been "Giggles" for 7 years before I adopted him! :lol While he knows his name, he still responds to Giggles or Giggle Bug after four years with me. We (my human family) call all three so many different names that it's amazing they know which one is their official name. :D I let my sons name Big Boi (after one of their favorite rappers) and it fits to a "T" as he is my biggest boy! Shy.....well that was a no brainer. He is named after the human Shy! :D He (like her) is anything BUT shy!!! :lol

08-08-2007, 08:35 AM
You can try one of these sites for some inspiration.....

BIRD BYTES BIRD NAMES (http://www.birdbytes.com/names.html)

For the love of birds in Maine (http://loveofbirds.com/name.htm)

It's All In The Name (http://www.newpet.com/bestfriends/pickanameform.htm)

08-08-2007, 11:15 AM
thanks everone for all your help, i dont have time now to put a big piic on but next time i get on I will.

Pips mom
08-08-2007, 08:43 PM
When I got my tiel, my first bird, I had a hard time naming him too---I am aweful with naming them! Took me six weeks to give my poor bird a name-----I feel better now reading others had the same problems! People at work were saying to me-----good thing you aren't naming a kid! What happened with my tiel was he had all the boy behaviors and would peck like crazy at the side of his cage! So we named him woody! because he was pecking like a woodpecker! My next tiel came with her name! thank god! and so did my lovie Pip come with his name---I like that, then I don't have to go to the trouble of coming up with one! good luck to ya! just take your time and a name will come----took me six weeks, but something will come into your head and you will know it is the right name for your bird! You are the best judge for what name is best----you see your bird's behavior and what he's like. You will pick a great name, just relax and take your time!


08-08-2007, 09:50 PM
How about Bam Bam or pebbles?::)
