View Full Version : I know I said I only wanted one....

08-10-2007, 10:59 AM
I just saw a young fischers lovebird on craigslist near me that the owners don't want because after a month it isn't hand tame.....

If Fenway and the fisher's are the same sex, can they get along as mates or is it better to get Fenway another Peachface to bond with??? :roll:

Ideally, if I get a second lovie, I would want them to be in the same cage after quarantine, as space is somewhet limited in my apartment.

Any suggestions? I found a breeder of Peachfaced lovies that said he would have some babies this fall..should I wait and get a lutino or pied????

Suggestions??? Advice? Am I addicted to these birds already??:)

08-10-2007, 11:41 AM
Hi Carrie,

Am I addicted to these birds already??
Yes!! But so are the rest of us so you belong to the right community!! :lol

In your position, I would go for the young Fischer's. It sounds like the current owner doesn't have a clue and is at least willing to rehome the bird. Better to go to you than another person who is also clueless.......

How well these 2 would get along after quarantine is hard to predict. You may find they can live in the same cage but always be prepared for the unexpected!

08-10-2007, 11:45 AM
The main reason I am asking is becausI thought I read somewhere that Fischer's can be agressive towards other lovebird species...??:confused: :confused: :roll:

08-10-2007, 12:08 PM
I read that too and have been told that they can be aggressive towards other lovies.

I just got my other lovebird Skittles a few weeks ago (3 I think) and did a no-no and skipped my quarantine because they were cage-mates before I got Kirby. I let Kirby climb all over the cage to get reaquainted with Skittles and they started trying to feed each other.
However, I am beginning to think that they are both females as they are starting to argue more and more. There is still tonnes of grooming, but that I think can be carried through same sexes no matter what (its like two girls painting each others toenails lol) but then one will go after the other's toes and then they start bickering.

So at this point they are in separate cages and are only together when I'm around or my boyfriend (or when kirby escapes his cage and ends up in hers)

Buttttt I guess the main thing is to take it slow... and if you REALLY want to be careful and are determined on having them cagemates, get the new one DNA'd!!!

IMO, if your new lovie isnt hand tame.. I would keep them separate until YOU have trust in the new one and vice versa. That is if you plan on hand taming him/her.

Oh and also.. if you have to question if you're addicted to them already.... come on... you know you already are :P

08-10-2007, 01:34 PM
here is the link for the "untame" Fischers...


The girl emailed me back and said it was 4 months old. Just a baby!!!

I'm so torn....

08-10-2007, 01:40 PM
Fischers aggressive to other birds??? Peachfaces can be aggressive but I wouldn't say Fischers are.

It's a cute looking little Fischer. I beleive it's what is called a Dilute or Pastel Fischer.

Every case is different and (not that this is much help) but I'd probably go and get that sweet little face. :lol :lol

08-10-2007, 01:53 PM
25.00 adoption fee?!?!?!

Id scoop that baby up ASAP . and since its only 4 months... you can tame that fid in no time :D

08-10-2007, 03:40 PM
Ok.... I emailed the girl back and told her I would take the Fischer's baby if she has not found a suitable home yet.

I left my cell number so now I'll just have to wait and see what kind of trouble I might have gotten myself into!!! :p

If I do end up getting this birdie, I already have a name picked out....

NOT that I am preparing for another lovie or anything ;) ;)

08-10-2007, 10:09 PM
Hope you get your new birdie home soon, it's exciting getting another bird, isn't it? I've had my peachie Chile for 10 years, and a couple months ago decided to get a baby peachie....well, I have that one in a cage by himself (herself?) since I was worried that Chile would be aggressive toward the new one.....so, lol, I went out a week later and bought a young pied peach face, and that one is in with my other new peachie and they are getting along really well, but I think both being young hand-fed and hand-raised babies helped...seeing as both were so young and both were new to their environment. Let us know how it goes with your new Fischer!!

Buy A Paper Doll
08-12-2007, 02:43 PM
Any word yet? :whistle:

08-12-2007, 09:29 PM
25.00 adoption fee?!?!?!

Id scoop that baby up ASAP . and since its only 4 months... you can tame that fid in no time :D

Lovies are much less expensive in many of the United States, here in Canada they are usually ~$80 (if you're lucky) up to $299.00 (masked lovies at some pet stores). Average being $150! I think $25.00 might be a common cost for a lovie.

Any news on the new family member?

08-13-2007, 11:20 AM
Well, the woman never called me back, so I will email her once more and see what has transpired.

Perhaps someone else took him/her..I just hope that little baby went somewhere where it will get the love and patience it deserves!

08-13-2007, 03:41 PM
FYI....Lovebirds here are not that cheap, normally...I paid 60.00 for Fenway, They also had a pair of masked lovies that were also 60.00 each-I saw a pied peachface for sale and they were asking 120.00 for it.

In fact, I went to the only bird store in Boston proper yesterday and they have a Blue Hyacinth Macaw and they were asking $20,000.00 for it.:omg: (no, this is not a misprint).

That bird was HUGE and absolutely stunning. I could never get a bird that large...unless I win the lotto and open up my own aviary. ;)

08-13-2007, 04:01 PM
FYI....Lovebirds here are not that cheap, normally...I paid 60.00 for Fenway, They also had a pair of masked lovies that were also 60.00 each-I saw a pied peachface for sale and they were asking 120.00 for it.

In fact, I went to the only bird store in Boston proper yesterday and they have a Blue Hyacinth Macaw and they were asking $20,000.00 for it.:omg: (no, this is not a misprint).

That bird was HUGE and absolutely stunning. I could never get a bird that large...unless I win the lotto and open up my own aviary. ;)

$20K for a Hyacinth is high. $10K is what they usually sell for. Not that'll I'll ever buy one unless I move to Brazil and they are in my backyard. :lol