View Full Version : I'm feeling weak (the Darkside is strong)

08-12-2007, 05:25 PM
Ditto needed more avicakes and millet today. So of course I go to petsmart as he ordered. :whistle:

Right there on the end of the bird aisle was a Green Cheek Conure. He was happily playing on his branches until I walked up. He hopped over and started rubbing his head on the bars right in front of me making little baby noises. :omg:

I do not need another parrot......

But I want all of 'em. :whistle:

08-12-2007, 05:47 PM
Go for it, Dave!
You won't be happy until you do...... Hopefully, Ditto will approve! :)

08-12-2007, 05:58 PM
Up till February of this year I was a one- parrot kinda girl... and then i gave into the pull of the Darkside... six months and a lovebird, macaw and a parrotlet later, i admit defeat :lol but i'm happy!!!
Go for it, Dave, that baby conure sounds like a real heart-stealer! he/she would fit right into your little flock.

08-12-2007, 06:04 PM
Right there on the end of the bird aisle was a Green Cheek Conure. He was happily playing on his branches until I walked up. He hopped over and started rubbing his head on the bars right in front of me making little baby noises. :omg:


I am ENTIRELY convinced that green cheeked conures (and their cousins like the black-capped, maroon tailed, the painted, etc.) are REALLY alien beings. They find their way to pet stores and bird marts to sucker us unsuspecting humans into bringing them home. Eventually they will take over the world :lol

Honestly, though: everyone I know who has a green-cheek (or related pyrrhura conure) LOVES LOVES LOVES them and cannot say enough good things about them.

I say go for it... :D


Buy A Paper Doll
08-12-2007, 06:23 PM
It's not just you, Dave. The force of the dark side is STRONG around those birds, I tell you. Last time I went to the bird store there were like half a dozen baby GCCs. They even had one of those pineapple models I've heard people talk about on this site. :x It was rough, but I made it out alive and with no more birds than when I walked in.

08-12-2007, 07:32 PM
Did he call out your name or anything?........Did he?.....Now I'm just trying to help a little.......not much.......just a little............Michael:D Goofy

08-12-2007, 09:43 PM
They even had one of those pineapple models I've heard people talk about on this site.

Pineapple models..that's hilarious :rofl:

Dave I personally can tell you if you decide to give in you won't regret it! My Niblet loves snuggling, turning somersaults in her tent, verbally disciplining the lovies when they have spats or are being too loud by hollering "Baby" over and over. Taking baths, (minimum of three a day), watching t.v. and beating up the plastic rubber duckie hanging on one of her toys :lol .

08-12-2007, 09:55 PM
Ya know, you guys/gals don't make this easy! I see GCCs at every bird show I go to and some of them are really reasonably priced! I'm beginning to feel left out here but I don't have room for another species of parrot! :cry:

08-12-2007, 11:23 PM
You dooooo want another parrot. Yessss, You DooOOOOooooOOoooooo.

08-12-2007, 11:59 PM
Dave, go for it! I'll live vicariously through you. I'm dying to get another, larger bird. Though mine would be a caique first, second would be a sun conure. Jack needs a lovie friend, too. If I were married to my brother-in-law instead of my husband, I'd already have them!!! Of course, I'd have to be a guy...:lol

08-13-2007, 03:14 AM
That is why I am never allowed to go into pet stores with money. There was a beautiful Parakeet(the real kind not a budgie) at Pet Co the other day and if I had the money I would of walked out with her.


08-13-2007, 08:22 AM
Dave, if I was sitting here with one bird, there is no doubt at all that a GCC would be the one bird I'd buy! By "accident" Oliver and Lori's Little Man happened to meet when she stayed with me and Oliver was so smitten with him, right off the bat, that I think he would accept a GCC in our home. BUT, I'm not sure all three would accept a GCC (Shy was horrified of him....Big Boi liked him) so I just can't/won't do it right now. One day.........:D

08-13-2007, 12:47 PM
Luckily for me, I'm not a conure kind of gal. LOL I've met some very nice little conures and live with a big, old nasty one, but they just don't "do it" for me. I was offered one for a very reasonable price ($100) recently and i know the breeder, but I was able to say a very firm no. Caiques???? :omg:That's another story and I don't even want to think about that....:rofl:

08-13-2007, 02:13 PM
Luckily for me, I'm not a conure kind of gal. LOL I've met some very nice little conures and live with a big, old nasty one, but they just don't "do it" for me. I was offered one for a very reasonable price ($100) recently and i know the breeder, but I was able to say a very firm no. Caiques???? :omg:That's another story and I don't even want to think about that....:rofl:Ooooooo, MJ, You just took the bird-word right out of my mouth!! :omg: CAIQUE :omg: My dream bird, but with 6 little lovie monsters flying around my house, I'd have to think really hard about getting a Caique. Janie can tell you, I drool over them at every birdfair. One day... ;)

08-13-2007, 03:14 PM
I started with one bird (senegal), wanted to get him a companion, but was like 'no, one is enough, I couldn't handle two birds." then some people offerred me my mitred conure with cage for free (not the gcc kind, the aratinga, but still awesome!) and I couldn't resist. I now have five birds.

08-13-2007, 03:33 PM
ok, knowing that I've already been brought over to the darkside, I see this on the NY Craigslist, http://newyork.craigslist.org/que/for/395454582.html
PLEASE HELP ME SOMEONE. HOW CAN I RESIST THAT LITTLE FACE??? and I just want to shower it with toys!!! it has no toys!! or maybe I could foster again... ha ha yeah right

08-13-2007, 05:08 PM
You've done much better at holding out with only one bird than most of us on here. Trouble is once you step over that line...........you end up with a house full. :omg:

That's why I only have one (well ok that and the fact that Ditto attacks anyone who touches me :omg: )

If I get another, then I'll get another and the next thing you know I've turned into MJ! :whistle:

08-13-2007, 05:45 PM
If I get another, then I'll get another and the next thing you know I've turned into MJ! :whistle:

You better be careful Dave, I'll be back east next week and I might just bring you a birdie or two. :omg:

08-13-2007, 06:01 PM
MJ, you're coming east for a visit? I'd best go into hiding lest you bring extra lovies w/ you ;)

Buy A Paper Doll
08-13-2007, 09:16 PM
Ya know, you guys/gals don't make this easy! I see GCCs at every bird show I go to and some of them are really reasonably priced! I'm beginning to feel left out here but I don't have room for another species of parrot! :cry:

Well, Linda, we'll both be left out together because I don't have room for any more birdies here either! Two screaming lovebirds are about all I can take!

08-13-2007, 10:47 PM
I wish i could have GCC:( They look like the most interesting, adorable, playful little critters... this is how one leads to two leads to three to four to ten to nineteen etc... sigh... and you know I can't stop at just one lovie :( and suddenly I am having recurring dreams of a Military macaw... how does one develop this debilitating illness?! :x

08-14-2007, 02:50 AM
I'm not a conure type of gal either :). Show me a senegal though and only the fact that I really don't have more room keeps me from giving in :( . A few years ago I had my closest call ever when I went to the pet shop on some errand or other and they had a couple of senegals right there on a cage on the counter, so you HAD to pass them no matter what. And of course just as I came up with my purchases, one of them walked up to me and started dancing *AAARGGH*. So, so close. I still dream of the dancing senegal though *sigh*.

My other close call was a type of parrot I had never before seen, it had white and orange and green and it was soooo tame. He put his little head on my hand for scritching and it was all I could do not to pick him up, hide him under my coat and make a run for it. This was a bird exhibition so he was not for sale . That's when I realised my grandmother did a good job in raising us to be law-abiding citizens :(.

Dave, are you really not getting the GCC? He did sound adorable.

ETA: I just found out that the adorable bird exhibition parrot is called a black headed caique. Another bird in the wish list!


08-14-2007, 07:01 AM
Dave, are you really not getting the GCC? He did sound adorable.


I would love to go get that little one right now. Unfortunately I don't have eneough free time to devote to 2 birds and it wouldn't be fair to either one if I had another one. :(

08-14-2007, 07:09 PM
AAwwwwwww shoot. I was even getting excited, and I'm not even there!;)
I'll bet it was a tough decision, but I'm sure you made the responsible one.
I understand the dilema you faced. I REALLY want another bird, more than I can say, and Jack wants a buddy. Ever since I fell in love with Jack, though, I think maybe my little girl (dog), may not be getting as much individual attention. I am very consious of this, though, and have been working real hard to make it up to her.
I think she forgives me :blush:

08-14-2007, 08:46 PM
I would love to go get that little one right now. Unfortunately I don't have eneough free time to devote to 2 birds and it wouldn't be fair to either one if I had another one. :(

I hear you, Dave... It's a tough decision, I know but don't worry: when you are ready to open your home to another bird (goodness knows your heart is already open :) ), you'll find the right bird.