View Full Version : Blue Masked and a Pied??

Ozzie's Mom
08-12-2007, 09:25 PM
Hi all. Ok ... long story short... I have one Blue Masked Lovie who I've had for almost 2 months. I have a new arrival coming later this week, a 2 month old Pied lovie. I have separate cages for both of them, and am planning a very slow introduction (i.e. Starting the cages in the same room so they can hear each other first, then moving the proximity of baby's cage closer to Ozzie's, finally ending up with the cages next to each other so they will have company and still have their own space.) I don't know for sure what sex Ozzie is, and I think the new one is a girl... what should I watch for with them? I know they are not to breed together, so I will keep a close eye on that... but is there anything I should know otherwise? I'm totally fine if they end up wanting to share the same cage ... but I'm not sure if they should!!
Any advice would be helpful!
Cheers. :happy:

08-12-2007, 09:52 PM
Your first consideration should be the health of your existing mask lovie.
QUARANTINE is advised for a minimum of 30 days (60-90 is better) and there should be NO interaction between the birds. Completely separate rooms/floors/cages is imperative. IF this new lovie has any disease or bacteria, it is transmittable to your masked.

Your next issue should be a well-bird checkup with a qualified avian vet during the quarantine period, preferably within the first few days of ownership. This will include a blood panel, gram stain, and physical exam.

After the quarantine period, you can then put the birds in the same room and proceed with your plan to introduce them.

Whether or not they share a cage is hard to say right now. They may not like or tolerate each other. They may both be hens. They may be a male/female pair and WILL BREED regardless of your intentions. Observing out-of-cage playtimes is the best way to proceed with same-cage ideas.

Best wishes with your new baby!!

08-12-2007, 09:53 PM
Congrats on getting a second lovie! (It's hard to have just one!)

First things first. You will need to quarantine the new bird for a minimum of 30 days. This is for the safety of your Blue Mask. While the new bird may look healthy, there are illnesses that can be in incubation stage that might not be obvious right away. A well bird vet exam is also advised just to make sure that everything is OK and you have a baseline for his/her health in case you need it later.

Should Ozzie be a male, he would most likely be more accepting of a young bird than an older female lovie would. Hens seem to view other lovies in terms of "what can you do for me" and youngsters don't have a whole lot of experience in that department so the older hen could get frustrated with a youngster. Side by side is ideal for a while until you see how they seem to react to each other. I could be completely wrong and Ozzie might adore the new little one. Only time will tell.

08-12-2007, 10:10 PM
Linda and I have telepathic abilities tonight;)

Ozzie's Mom
08-13-2007, 12:22 PM
Hi all .... well, the quarantine was a given ... but I was wondering about after. Thanks for the advice.

08-13-2007, 12:53 PM
Hi, I have a black mask and two peach faces (one pied too) and they all get along great. I keep the two peach faces together in the same cage, as they were there first, and the black mask in her (i think) own cage. When I'm home they are pretty much out the whole time playing together, only a couple squabbles here and there. They go in and out of eachothers cages pretty freely, but none of them are very cage protective, just one is happy hut protective. I guess just take it slow and cautious, but the birds kinda let you know what they want :)

Ozzie's Mom
08-16-2007, 12:41 PM
Hi all! Well, I'm happy to report that I am now the proud new mommy of a 2 month old Yellow/green Pied lovie! :happy: She's been clamoring to get out of her cage since I put her in last nite ... and since I let her out she has been absolutely GLUED to me for the last hour!! :rofl: She doesn't fear me or anyone else for that matter! I've tried to put her back in her cage 3 times and she just hops out and clings to me ... needless to say mommy is just thrilled to bits!!! :happy: We're in quarantine at the moment, but she and Ozzie have had a few "chats" already. We'll see how the introductions go when the time comes.
I took some pics of her this morning, but haven't been able to download them yet... so I'll put them up as soon as I can! Now... if I could only figure out her name! :rofl:

08-16-2007, 02:41 PM

She sounds adorable!
I was hoping you's get one of those pied sweeties ;). They are soooo darn cute and I honestly can't understand how you were able to leave all those others behind....what strength and self restraint! :rolleyes:

Pictures! I must see pictures! :D

08-16-2007, 05:59 PM
PHOTOS PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ozzie's Mom
08-17-2007, 11:30 AM
:happy: I finally figured out her name!!! At first I decided on Skye ... but then spent the entire afternoon calling her "Shye" ... don't know why, it just kept coming out that way! :rofl: Sooooo.... Shye it is!! Still workin on gettin the pics up ... hopefully tonight ;) If it helps, she's the one closest to the camera in the basket picture. In the other picture I have of the basket the camera angle makes her look like she's smiling ... it's cute.